Xun Xun Sweetflower

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NeutralXun Xun Sweetflower
Image of Xun Xun Sweetflower
Title <Exotic Food & Spices>
Gender Female
Race Pandaren (Humanoid)
Level 20-60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Anyport, Drustvar
Status Alive

Xun Xun Sweetflower is a pandaren located in Anyport in Drustvar. Kane Carlyle has a crush on her.


Item Cost
Cooking ingredients
5x  [Mild Spices] 5c
5x  [Refreshing Spring Water] 10s
5x  [Simple Flour] 25c
10x  [Choral Honey] 2g 50s
10x  [Wild Flour] 2g 50s
10x  [Foosaka] 2g 50s
10x  [Fresh Potato] 2g 50s
10x  [Wild Berries] 2g 50s
10x  [Powdered Sugar] 2g 50s
 [Major's Frothy Coffee] 50c
Item Cost
 [Curried Axebeak Skewer] 2g 50s
 [Jungle Sunfruit] 2g 50s
 [Stranglethorn Prickly Pear] 2g 50s
 [Zocalo Cheddar] 2g 50s
 [Tirasreli Gourmet Chocolate] 50g


Objective of



A new face! And a friendly one, I think. Care to try something special? Or perhaps you are looking for rare spices or recipes?

Buy I would like to buy from you.

Patch changes

External links