Xorothian Eredar

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MobXorothian Eredar
Image of Xorothian Eredar
Gender Male
Race Man'ari eredar (Demon)
Level 15-30
Class Warlock
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Burning Legion
Location Mazthoril, Winterspring
Status Killable

Xorothian Eredar emerge from portals in Mazthoril in Winterspring, coming most likely from Xoroth.


  • Spell shadow cripple.png Cripple — Increases the time between an enemies attacks by 100% and slows its movement by 50%, in addition to reducing its Strength by 50%. Lasts 8 sec.
  • Spell fire burnout.png Incinerate — Deals (85.7% of Spell power) Fire damage to your target.
  • Spell shadow shadowfury.png Shadowfury — Shadowfury is unleashed, causing (12.9% of Spell power) Shadow damage and stunning all enemies within 10 yds for until canceled.

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