Xon'ke the Scavenger

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MobXon'ke the Scavenger
Image of Xon'ke the Scavenger
Gender Male
Race Skeletal troll (Undead)
Level 30-60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Port of Zem'lan, Vol'dun[38, 77.4]
Status Killable

Xon'ke the Scavenger is a skeletal troll kneeling next to a Slaughtered Vulpera in a toppled building in the northeastern outskirts of the Port of Zem'lan in Vol'dun.

Objective of


  • De curse makes us strong!
  • Dis be our port!
  • I've been defending dis port for countless years.
  • I've sacrificed everything for Zem'lan.
  • If you ain't part of de crew, you be dead!
  • No prey, no pay.
  • Your treasure... it be mine now.
  • Zem'lan don't suffer de living no more.
  • De captain's... gonna hear about dis...
  • Dis land be cursed... we all are....
  • Heave me down, I be coming back soon...
  • Keep your hands off my treasure...
  • I feel nothing...
  • Scuttle your landlubber legs...
  • You'll answer... to Pirate-King Zem'lan for dis...
  • Zem'lan won't let us stay dead... dat's de real curse...

Patch changes

External links