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Image of Xeri'tac
Gender Female
Race Venom spider (Beast)
Level 37-42 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Xeri'tac's Burrow, Everbloom
Status Killable

Ancient Protectors
Xeri'tac (optional)
Archmage Sol


Xeri'tac is an optional boss of the Everbloom, which can be accessed after killing the Ancient Protectors.

Adventure Guide

This venomous spider matriarch guards her brood in a cave deep in the hills of Gorgrond, trapping and devouring any prey foolish enough to wander near.


Xeri'tac begins the fight crawling around the ceiling of her cavern and periodically Descending to strike at random locations. Xeri'tac is unattackable during this initial phase, but once players have defeated 8 Toxic Spiderlings, Xeri'tac will drop down to the floor for the remainder of the encounter.

Dps icon.png Damage Dealers

  • Avoid Xeri'tac's Descend ability.
  • Toxic Spiderlings leave an area of Toxic Gas when they die.
  • Creatures that gain Toxic Blood will become more powerful the longer they are alive.

Healer icon.png Healers

  • Avoid Xeri'tac's Descend ability.
  • Creatures that gain Toxic Blood will become more powerful the longer they are alive.
  • Venomous Sting targets players at random and can be dispelled.

Tank icon.png Tanks

  • Toxic Spiderlings leave an area of Toxic Gas when they die.
  • Position Venom-Crazed Pale Ones to be struck by Xeri'tac's Descend ability to cause them to suffer significant damage.
  • Creatures that gain Toxic Blood will become more powerful the longer they are alive.


Stage One: The Venomous Brood

During the initial phase of the encounter, Xeri'tac unleashes her brood, while periodically descending to strike.

  • Achievement halloween spider 01.png Descend — Xeri'tac descends from her web, looking for unsuspecting prey. Any pale orcs or players in the vicinity will be bitten for significant Physical damage.

Toxic Spiderling

  • Spell yorsahj bloodboil green.png Toxic Blood Deadly — The caster's blood burns brightest in the heat of combat. The caster's damage is increased by 10% every 10 sec. If the caster ever reaches 10 stacks of Toxic Blood they will explode, leaving behind an area of Toxic Gas.
  • Inv misc volatilelife green.png Toxic Gas Important — Whenever a Toxic Spiderling perishes it leaves behind a cloud of Toxic Gas. Players who enter the area suffer Nature damage. Venom-Crazed Pale Ones will rush to these clouds to inhale them.

Venom-Crazed Pale One

  • Ability druid swipe.png Swipe Tank Alert — The caster swipes the air in front of them with both hands, inflicting Physical damage to all players in front of the caster.
  • Spell festergutgas.png Inhale Important — The orc inhales the toxic fumes left over by the fallen spiderling. If successful, the orc gains Toxic Blood.
  • Gorged Bursters — Gorged Bursters will fixate on a random player.
    • Spell nature acid 01.png Burst — The caster explodes, dealing 92500 to 107500 Nature damage to all nearby enemies.
  • Venom Sprayers
    • Spell nature corrosivebreath.png Venom Spray — The caster hurls a bolt of their toxic blood at the target, inflicting Nature damage.

Stage Two: Spider Matriarch

Once 8 Toxic Spiderlings have fallen, Xeri'tac descends to engage her prey directly.

  • Spell nature corrosivebreath.png Toxic Bolt Interruptible — The caster hurls a bolt of their toxic blood at the target, inflicting Nature damage.
  • Ability poisonsting.png Venomous Sting Poison — The caster stings a nearby player at random. Once stung, the victim suffers Nature damage every 3 sec. for 15 sec.
  • Spell shadow plaguecloud.png Gaseous Volley Deadly — The caster releases her toxic blood in the form of 2 missiles at ranged targets. When the missiles land, they form areas of Toxic Gas. Players who stand in these areas suffer Nature damage.
  • Ability racial cannibalize.png Consume Important — Xeri'tac consumes a pale orc. If successful, Xeri'tac will heal for 25% of her maximum health.


A relatively simple fight. Pale orcs will spawn that she will try to feast on, to heal. Simply kill the orcs to prevent this and burn her down.


Objective of

Patch changes

  • Warlords of Draenor Hotfix (2014-12-18): Resolved an issue that could cause Venom-Crazed Pale One to not spawn in correctly.
  • Warlords of Draenor Patch 6.0.2 (2014-10-14): Added.

External links