Writhefire Oil

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  • Writhefire Oil
  • Finishing Crafting Reagent
  • When crafting: You are 15% more likely to improve at your profession, but Recipe Difficulty is increased by 30.
  • Usable with: Many Dragon Isles Blacksmithing and Leatherworking Armor recipes.

  • Sell Price: 50s

Writhefire Oil is a finishing crafting reagent made with Dragon Isles Alchemy that can be used in many Dragon Isles blacksmithing plans and Dragon Isles leatherworking patterns.

Materials required ( 15 40 45 50 ):
Inv 10 elementalcombinedfoozles fire.png 1x [Awakened Fire] Inv misc herb writhebark.png [Writhebark]
Inv misc herb dragonsbreath.png [Hochenblume]
OptionalReagent-Plus.png 9

Usable while crafting



Patch changes

External links
