Worgen Battlemage (Ruins of Lordaeron)

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For the worgen in the Ruins of Gilneas, see Worgen Battlemage.
AllianceWorgen Battlemage
Image of Worgen Battlemage
Gender Both
Race Worgen (Humanoid)
Level 50
Class Mage
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Occupation Battlemage
Location Ruins of Lordaeron
Status Alive

Worgen Battlemages are worgen located in the Ruins of Lordaeron during the Battle for Lordaeron.


  • Ability mage arcanebarrage.png Arcane Barrage — Inflicts Arcane damage to an enemy.
  • Spell nature wispsplode.png Arcane Explosion — Sends out a blast wave of magic, inflicting Arcane damage to nearby enemies.
  • Spell nature starfall.png Arcane Missiles — Launches magical missiles at an enemy, inflicting Arcane damage every 1 sec. for 5 sec.


  • For the Alliance!

Patch changes

External links