Won't Anyone Think of the Whelps?

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NeutralWon't Anyone Think of the Whelps?
Level 45 (Requires 45)
Type World Quest
Category Azsuna
Reputation +75 Court of Farondis
Rewards Varies



Nightwatcher Idri says: The Legion has captured a clutch of Stellagosa's azure whelplings! Save them, so our ally's brood may grow stronger!


Nightwatcher Idri says: Those whelps were so small, so helpless. How despicable of the Legion to prey upon the weak!



Unlock the Legion Cages to free a whelpling. You will most likely have to kill Manastalkers and Legion Willbreakers to get to the cages. If you can't find a Jailer patrolling about, try one of the side caves.

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