With Wind Beneath Your Wings

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HordeWith Wind Beneath Your Wings
Start Bath'rah the Windwatcher
End Rau Cliffrunner
Level 40 (Requires 30)
Category Thousand Needles
Class Shaman Shaman
Previous H Shaman [40] A Simple Container
Next H Shaman [40E] Calm Before the Storm


Return to Rau Cliffrunner in Thousand Needles at Freewind Post.


Here mon, a Squall-breakers Potion be what you need. Drink this to protect yourself against the elements of the storm, but remember it only goin' to last for a short while.

Now go, return to your friends in need. There's nothing more I can do for you.


Our wind riders have found something, but they have been unable to get close enough to assess the situation. Were you able to find anything that might help us?


  1. H [35] Tattered Note
  2. H Shaman [35] Elemental Aid
  3. H Shaman [40] A Simple Container
  4. H Shaman [40] With Wind Beneath Your Wings
  5. H Shaman [40E] Calm Before the Storm
  6. H Shaman [40] Catching Up

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