Catching Up (Season of Discovery)

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HordeCatching Up
Start Rau Cliffrunner
End Bath'rah the Windwatcher
Level 40 (Requires 30)
Category Alterac Mountains
Class Shaman Shaman
Previous H Shaman [40E] Calm Before the Storm


Return to Bath'rah the Windwatcher in Alterac Mountains and see if he can put the Eye of the Tempest to use.


Our people cannot thank you enough, but I have no real use for this eye. Maybe that ol' Windwatcher could put it to good use?


You will receive:


Ahh! Looks like ye made it back in one piece there. Now tell me how did de potion do?

Well 'tis a good thing I had faith in ya. Cuz dat potion be nothing but a mighty fine punch bru'dah. Much tastier than it be effective against those storms.

Now, now... don't be angry wit me. All ya needed was a little encouragement. T'ings turned out how they was always meant to.

But since you's here... I did notice that mighty fine eye you be holdin...


Tell ya what. No more tricks, no more games. I got somet'in you'd be interested in.

Trade me dat eye and I give you here this mighty fine rune that be ready to teach you new tricks.

What ya say?


  1. H [35] Tattered Note
  2. H Shaman [35] Elemental Aid
  3. H Shaman [40] A Simple Container
  4. H Shaman [40] With Wind Beneath Your Wings
  5. H Shaman [40E] Calm Before the Storm
  6. H Shaman [40] Catching Up

Patch changes

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