Winslow Swan

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NeutralWinslow Swan
Image of Winslow Swan
Title <Death Minstrel>
Gender Male
Race Maldraxxi skeleton (Undead)
Level 60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Undying Army
Location Seat of the Primus, Maldraxxus

Winslow Swan is a skeletal minstrel walking around the Seat of the Primus and playing the lute. He is also present at Butchers Block in Maldraxxus and in Perdition Hold in the Maw during the N [60B] Necrolord Assault.


When I was but a fledgling, I would perform in taverns all over.
As I grew, I found my music much less appreciated.
I defended each of my songs with a sword.
In the end there was just fighting... screaming... and no music at all.
This song might be the last thing you ever hear!
  • Danger has reared it's ugly head!
  • I shall compose a great ballad about our adventure together.
  • I shall sing often about our battle here!
  • Me and the Maw Walker are not afraid to die!
  • Nobody likes this song.
  • This song is just for you.


  • Winslow Swan is a reference to the characters Winslow and Swan from the 1974 rock musical Phantom of the Paradise. His title, "Death Minstrel", is likely a reference to the fictional recording company Death Records from the same film.

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