Wings Aflame

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NeutralWings Aflame
Start Automatic
End Matoclaw [27.2, 62.6]
Level 35
Type Daily
Category Firelands Invasion
Experience 69400
Reputation +250 Guardians of Hyjal
Rewards [Mark of the World Tree] x2
9g 40s
Repeatable Yes
Previous N [35 Daily] Call the Flock


Pull him out of that portal and destroy him!

Use the Quill of the Bird-Queen to summon and defeat Millagazor.


<Matoclaw's voice continues to echo within your head.>

Millagazor is a creature of flame, but in many ways, he is not unlike the birds of this land. As such, Aviana's artifacts may still have the power to summon him.

The fiery portal to the west is where you will find him. Use the quill near the portal's entrance, then prepare for a fierce battle.


You will receive:


Earth-Mother guide your path.


Well done, champion.


Wings Aflame is automatically offered upon completion of N [35 Daily] Call the Flock. The western fiery portal can be found at [13.1, 45.1] in the western part of the Regrowth near the Grove of Aessina. Get out of the Wings of Aviana form in order to summon Millagazor.

Millagazor is a level 85 elemental with 464k health. It has the following abilities:

  • Fireball 40 yd range — Inflicts Fire damage to an enemy. 3 sec cast. Hits for 8500 ~Fire
  • Gout of Flame 30 yd range — Creates a geyser of flame at the target location. 1.5 sec cast. Drops a flame target on the ground. A second or so later, triggers...
    • Gout of Flame — Creates a geyser of flame at the target location. Instant. Hits for ~8000 Fire if not dodged.
  • Shower of Flame — Periodically places geysers of flame at target's location. 1.5 sec cast. Channeled. Interruptible. Spams gouts of flame over a small area.
    • Shower of Flame incoming! Don't stop moving!
Millagazor yells: Who summons Millagazor?
At 30%
Millgazor begins to escape!
Millagazor yells: You pests are not worth my time!

At 30% Millagazor attempts to flee, but the flock called in the previous quest comes to finish the fight.

Should players defeat Millagazor without taking damage from Gout of Flame, they will complete the Millagazor step of  [Infernal Ambassadors].


Optional breadcrumbs: B [35] Guardians of Hyjal: Call of the Ancients & B [35] Guardians of Hyjal: Firelands Invasion!

  1. N [35] Opening the Door
  2. N [35] A Ritual of Flame
  3. N [35] To the Sanctuary!
  4. N [35] Caught Unawares
  5. N [35] The Sanctuary Must Not Fall
  6. Dailies open up:
  7. N [35] Calling for Reinforcements (requires [Mark of the World Tree] x20)

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