Why Is The Brew Gone?

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AllianceWhy Is The Brew Gone?
Start Quartermaster O'Riley
End Quartermaster O'Riley
Level 20-40
Category Talador
Experience 14,240
Rewards 13g
Next A [20-40] Not In Your House


Retrieve 5 Footman Longswords and 5 Thunderbrew Kegs.


Commander, we have a bit of a... uh... problem.

This group o' saberon followed us from Gorgrond, and they've been stealin' our footmen's swords an' slaughtering our peasants!

I hate to ask fer your time, but all of yer men are guardin' the camp from any further raids. Plus...

<Quartermaster O'Riley lowers her voice to a whisper.>

They took our beer!


You will receive: 13g


Commander! Have ye had a moment to deal with the saberon?


Oh thank goodness, I knew ye would come through!

At your service, as always.


  • 14,240 XP


The quest's name is a reference to the quote "why is the rum gone" from Pirates of the Caribbean.

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