What Must Be Done

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HordeWhat Must Be Done

The wolf-mother surrounded by her pack
Start Farseer Urquan
End Archmage Khadgar
Level 10-40
Category Frostfire Ridge
Experience 17800
Rewards 26g
Previous H [10-40] Safe Passage
Next H [10-40] Eye Need That, H [10-40] Stop the Flow, H [10-40] Desecration of the Dead


The Mother of Wolves
End her suffering and bury her remains in the graveyard.

Collect the Mother of Wolf's Corpse and bury it at the graveyard outside of northern Throm'var.


I believe we have seen this demonic corruption your friends speak of.

The mother of wolves has not been herself lately. Now, her pack has her surrounded.

The wolves are protecting our hunters and will not let them near. They're not likely to stop you, though.

If the alpha mother is infected with this fel-energy, then she must be put down.

You would greatly honor the Frostwolves by returning with her corpse and giving it a proper burial.


You will receive: 26g


Is it done? Does the Mother of Wolves finally rest in peace, <name>?


Unfortunate that there are those that would pervert such noble creatures.

You have honored their family once more, <name>. They will not forget.

Now is the time to take the fight directly to the Shadow Council.


  • 17800 XP


Pick up H [10-40] A Clew of Worms before heading out. The Mother of Wolves is southeast of Throm'var at the Frost Den, surrounded by a pack of friendly frost wolves. Attack her and the wolves surrounding her will try to help out. At 75% she spawns two Tainted Tentacles from her back that also strike at the attacker.

Loot the  [Mother of Wolves' Remains] from her corpse, and head to the northwest entrance to Throm'var, the one closest to the flight master. Just outside camp is a pile of snow. Interact with it to bury the wolf:

Throm'var Hunter says: Rest well, honored mother. You will be avenged.


  1. H [10-40] Vouchsafe Our Arrival (optional)
  2. H [10-40] Safe Passage
  3. H [10-40] What Must Be Done
    • Optional side chain:
    1. H [10-40] A Clew of Worms
    2. H [10-40] The Sleeper Has Awakened
  4. H [10-40] Eye Need That
  5. H [10-40] All is Revealed
  6. H [10-40] Have a Heart
  7. H [10-40] The Fel Crystals
  8. H [10-40] To Capture Gul'dan

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