Weathered Pamphlet (quest)

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NeutralWeathered Pamphlet
Start  [Weathered Pamphlet]
End Jordle Flangebender
Level 10-50
Category Island Expedition
Experience 8,230
Rewards  [Radiant Azerite Fragment] (700x Azerite)
11g 70s


Find the pamphlet's originator.


<This pamphlet appears to be a mass-produced flier advertising an Azerite-buying service.

You can make out a few faded but colorful phrases like "Your fortune awaits in the Great Sea!" and "Everyone's getting rich, isn't it your time?"

There is no mention of any of the dangers involved.

There is some information about who to contact at the bottom, however.>


You will receive:


Are you here about the pamphlet?

What's wrong, expecting someone greener? Listen, we've all got to eat. I've got a family at home, and this war's taking all of the food away.

Not my problem if some amateur adventurers with gold in their eyes get in a little trouble? That sounds more like your problem.

Now if you're not going to sell me your Azerite, buzz off. Big G doesn't like it when I talk too much.

Uh, did I say G? Pretend I didn't.

Here, just take some of my Azerite and keep quiet, ok?

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