Waygate: Morqut Islet

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NeutralWaygate: Morqut Islet
Start Thaelin Darkanvil [47.2, 90.3]
End Thaelin Darkanvil [47.2, 90.3]
Level 70 (Requires 70)
Category The Forbidden Reach
Experience 9,500
Rewards Ancient Waygate: The Forbidden Reach
28g 9s
Previous N [70] Waygate Exploration: The Forbidden Reach
The Dormant Waygate atop a spire with Morqut Village in the background


Locate the Dormant Waygate on the Morqut Islet in The Forbidden Reach.

  • Waygate activated [29.1, 62.5]
  • Enchanted Arcana Vessel (provided)


We have access tae The Forbidden Reach now, and Cataloger Daela is already waitin' fer ya there.

She's sent me a word of a very promising spire not far from the village where she's stayin'.

Think there might be another dormant Waygate around? Go on an' find out!


You will receive:


Found anythin'?


I knew it!


The Dormant Waygate is atop the spire just southwest of Morqut Village on Morqut Islet in western Forbidden Reach.


  1. N [70] Waygate Exploration: The Forbidden Reach
  2. N [70] Waygate: Morqut Islet

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