Wavespeaker's Trail
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Start | Erunak Stonespeaker |
End | Erunak Stonespeaker |
Level | 10-45 |
Type | Legendary |
Category | Artifact |
Class |
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Experience | 14,800 |
Rewards |
19![]() ![]() |
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Locate three clues to the whereabouts of Wavespeaker Adelee within the Ruins of Vashj'ir.
- First Clue Found
- Second Clue Found
- Third Clue Found
The shaman we seek is Wavespeaker Adelee. Her research brought her down to these ancient ruins, where she reported naga armies amassing prior to the Legion invasion.
The last I had heard, she had located Sharas'dal, the Scepter of Tides - and then she went silent.
<Name>, Search for clues to her whereabouts among the lower level of the ruins. Beware the naga patrols!
You will receive:
- 19
- 14,800 XP
How goes the search?
<You report your findings to Erunak, who listens distractedly while flipping through the journal you located.>
So... the naga have conscripted sea giants to their cause? This is disturbing.
Adelee's journal confirms my fears. The naga have infiltrated the Abyssal Maw once again, and this time they have a powerful weapon with them: Sharas'dal. Our task is clear.
The clues are all found on the ground level.
- First clue: Adelee's Staff located at the southeastern end of the ruins, next to Rangalag at [40, 75] .
- Erunak Stonespeaker says: That is Wavespeaker Adelee's staff. Hmmm. It is attuned to the Abyssal Maw. Perhaps Sharas'dal is in there? I warned her not to go there alone...
- Second clue: An Ancient Wavestone found at the north end of the ruins at [39, 56] .
- Erunak Stonespeaker says: Adelee spoke of a powerful wavestone. I see now what she meant. The auras surrounding this stone would cloak one's movements from Neptulon, allowing the naga to slip into his domain undetected.
- Third clue: Adelee's Journal inside a room at [33, 67] . The entrance is found at [33, 68] and The Goroboros is inside the room.
- Erunak Stonespeaker says: It is fortunate that Adelee's journal is written in waterproof squid ink. It will detail her search for the scepter. I will need time to look this over - bring it to me.
- Upon return
- Erunak Stonespeaker says: All the clues indicate that Adelee tracked the scepter into the Abyssal Maw. The trail is easy to follow... perhaps too easy. We may be walking into a trap.
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[10-45] The Hammer in the Deep
- Restoration (
[Sharas'dal, Scepter of Tides])
[10-45] To the Deeps
[10-45] Wavespeaker's Trail
[10-45] Throne of the Tides: Azshara's Power
- Elemental (
[10-45] A Ring Reforged
[10-45] Azeroth Needs You
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[10-45 Daily] Supply Dropped
[10-45] Aggra's Guidance
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[10-45] Your Fullest Potential
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[10-45] The Ritual of Tides
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[10-45] Recharging the Blade
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[10-45] Oath of the Windlord
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[10-45] Champion: Celestos &
[10-45] Champion: Nobundo,
[10-45] Recruiting Earthcallers
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[10-45] The Maelstrom Pillar: Air
[10-45] Mistral Essence
[10-45D] Eye of Azshara: The Scepter of Storms
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[10-45] Mission: Investigating Deepholm
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[45] Champion: Rehgar Earthfury &
[45] Champion: Scaldius
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Patch 7.2.0 campaign
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[45] Conflagration
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[45] Champion: Magatha Grimtotem
[45] Further Advancement
- Class mount
[45] Carried On the Wind
[45] Gathering of the Storms
Patch changes
Patch 7.0.3 (2016-07-19): Added.