Water Elementals (quest)

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For the Classic version, see A [37] Water Elementals.
AllianceWater Elementals
Start Emerine Junis
End Emerine Junis
Level 10-30
Category Northern Stranglethorn
Experience 2,100
Reputation +250 Stormwind
Rewards 20s
Next A [10-30] You Can Take the Murloc Out of the Ocean...


Acquire 6 Water Elemental Bracers.


I arrived in Stranglethorn to study a feature known as the Altar of Naias, but made the unfortunate choice of denying Colonel Kurzen's advances, which earned me several years in that cage. Now that I'm out, I figure I might as well continue with my original studies.

The altar is on an island to the west, south of Zul'Kunda. Gather some of the bracers from the island's water elementals.

Oh, and you can use this device when you're finished. No need to make you walk all the way back here.


You will receive: 20s


Yes, <name>?


These will do for my purposes. Though we can't activate the altar with bracers alone...


  1. A [10-30] Water Elementals
  2. A [10-30] You Can Take the Murloc Out of the Ocean...
  3. A [10-30] The Altar of Naias

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