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Waren Gearhart

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NeutralWaren Gearhart
Image of Waren Gearhart
Title Construction Projects, Fishing Supplies
Gender Female
Race Mechagon mechagnome (Humanoid)
Affiliation(s) Rustbolt Resistance, Dragonscale Expedition
Location Various
Status Alive

Waren Gearhart is a Mechagon mechagnome located on Mechagon Island.

Dragonflight This section concerns content related to Dragonflight.

She joins the Dragonscale Expedition and can be found selling fishing supplies, next to Danielle Anglers, at the Wild Coast in the Waking Shores. She can be seen sitting with a kite.


Location Level range Reaction Notes
Rustbolt[73.0, 33.6] & Junkwatt Depot, Mechagon Island 50 Alliance Horde
Operation: Mechagon 50 Alliance Horde
Wild Coast, Waking Shores[81.2, 31.4] 60-62 Alliance Horde


The Waking Shores
Item Cost
Fishing items
 [Fishing Pole] 1c
 [Shiny Bauble] 50c
 [Nightcrawlers] 1s
 [Bright Baubles] 2s 50c
(2)  [Aquadynamic Fish Attractor] 2g 50s
(1)  [Strong Fishing Pole] 11s 85c
5x  [Oversized Bobber] 2g 20s




  • Don't throw anything away. Here, take a few of my failed upgrade modules to study.
  • Got questions about construction projects? Hit me up anytime.
  • Have I shown ya the drill rig upgrades I've been testin' yet, chief?
  • Heading out so soon, chief?
  • I can tell you what construction projects are underway each day. Just ask!
  • Mechagon is always under construction, and the construction projects change every day.
  • Pity. I'll build somethin' big for ya while you're gone.
  • See ya, chief.
  • Whoo boy, have I! Come on, chief. Let me get your thoughts on these.


Nothing's ever truly finished... some people just run out of ideas.

Gossip Tell me about constriction projects.

Construction projects are opportunities to build something together in Mechagon.

When you run across a piece of broken machinery, you and others can team up to repair it by contributing resources.

Many construction projects can be completed by one person, but you'll want to get help for the larger projects you run across.

Different construction projects are available every day, and their locations change throughout the day. And when you build one, it won't last forever... although you can extend their lifespan if you have the right tools.

Not sure what you should be lookin' for? Check in with me whenever you land in Rustbolt to find out what construction projects are available that day.

Gossip What construction projects are available today?

We've got a couple construction projects on the island today.

Which one do you want to know more about?

Gossip Tell me about the Charging Station.

This one's my personal favorite. The charging station'll let you convert your Empty Energy Cells into fully charged Energy Cells.

It ain't cheap to get this station up and runnin', though. Try to recruit several other builders to help you cover costs.

Bondo's got a monopoly on the only electrical line capable of running enough juice to power the charging station, so you'll only find it at Bondo's Yard. Lucky jerk.

Gossip Tell me about Drill Rigs.

For those that like a little extra excitement in their life, drill rigs are like a mystery box stuffed with spiders!

Ain't my thing, but I'm sure some of you adventurers are into it.

If you run across a cave-in, Drill Rigs'll blast that cave entrance wide open and give you access to whatever monsters are lurkin' inside of it.

Bring a friend or two!

Gossip Tell me about Flame Turrets.

I am not much of a fighter. I prefer to let me bots do me fightin' for me.

That's why I invented the Flame Turret!

It packs a wollop and will help you burn through any tough guys in the area.

Gossip Tell me about the Reclamation Rig.

If Drill Rigs didn't provide a big enough thrill for you monster hunters, the Reclamation Rig is what you're lookin' for.

Head down to The Outflow and help get that massive machinery up and runnin'.

Bring some people that don't mind fightin', though. The machinery is noisier than a hundred engines, so it's gonna attract some unwanted attention.

Big thing is slow to recover after it breaks, too. You may have to wait awhile for it.

Gossip Tell me about Rustbolt Armories.

Ooo, now this one's fun! The armory'll keeps a stockpile of any extra curricular weapons you've helped develop in town, so you can use them all day long.

It's also got anti-gravity packs! You strap one of those onto the back of anything and it'll fly straight up to the sky.

I did it to a capracaba once...felt a little bad afterwards...I hope he's alright.

Patch changes

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