Warding the Warriors (Wintergrasp Fortress)

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AllianceWarding the Warriors
Start Alliance Sorceress Kaylana
End Alliance Sorceress Kaylana
Level 25-30
Type Weekly PvP
Category Wintergrasp
Experience 12,190
Rewards 7g 40s


Sorceress Kaylana in Wintergrasp Fortress wants you to retrieve 10 sets of  [Imbued Horde Armor] at the Glacial Falls.


<Name>, good to see you. While the battle has subsided for now, we must hurry and replenish our stocks. My research indicates that the armor of soldiers recently slain in the Glacial Falls becomes imbued with an incredible amount of energy. The Horde has been seen collecting armor in the area.

Head to the Glacial Falls and slay any of the Horde you find there. Return their imbued armor to me.

If you cannot find any of the Horde, you might find the armor of an adventurer slain by the elementals.

Sorceress Kaylana says: The Glacial Falls is a dangerous place, <name>. The Horde will be just as happy to claim your armor for their vile hoodoo magics.


So, did you find the armor?


Augh. It's still dripping. Couldn't you have at least dried it off first?


You will receive: 7g 40s

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