Warden Chadrik

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NeutralWarden Chadrik
Image of Warden Chadrik
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 30-35
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Timewalkers
Location Celestial Court, Timeless Isle[34.4, 61.3]
Status Alive

Warden Chadrik is a human found at Celestial Court of Timeless Isle. Unlike other members of the Timewalkers, he is not tagged as its member and is also friendly rather than neutral.



Greetings, <race>. I am the sworn protector of Watcher Megana.

Her heart beats with the courage of a dragon, and I admire her greatly.

Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the PTR stages.

Greetings, <race>. I am the sworn protector of Watcher Megana. She has special gifts that I... uh, our leaders... greatly admire, and must be guarded closely.


Patch changes

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