Warbands: Spacetime is Money

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NeutralWarbands: Spacetime is Money
Start Blue
End Blue
Level 20-80
Type Important Quest
Category Warbands
Experience 1,400
Rewards [Warband Bank Distance Inhibitor]
2g 67s 50c
Previous N [20-80] Warbands: Twinsposition


Place the De-Recombobulatron Matrix in the Gadgetzan Bank.

  • De-Recombobulatron Matrix placed


Now that we've got all the transpositional data we could ever hope for, all we need to do is set up a wormhole in a suitable banking establishment and we'll be dropping gear into each other's pockets from the field in no time!

And there just happens to be a bank right here in Gadgetzan!

You can even attune your own portal at the same time so you can access your own Warband Bank from anywhere. It's going to be so convenient!


You will learn the following:

You will also receive:

  • 2g 67s 50c
  • 1,400 XP


Did you find the bank?


A few hiccups, but nothing some good old-fashioned teamwork wasn't up to! Go us!


Upon accept
Blue says: I can't wait to dump all my ore into the bank for you, Crags. I couldn't blacksmith my way out of a paper bag, but that sword you made Arnott is almost as sharp as Rivet!
Crags says: And I'll leave any mail I find in there for you and Kralla, Blue.
Rivet says: Dibs on any cloth! And let me know if anyone needs anything enchanted. I can always use the practice.

Enter the bank and interact with De-Recombobulatron Matrix.

Gadgetzan Bruiser says: Hey! Watch where you're portaling!
Rivet says: Oh my, that shouldn't be happening!
Rivet says: Let me try reversing the positron array...
Gimblethorn says: I'm trying to bank here!
Rivet says: Hurray! And no one exploded even a little!
Rivet says: We don't have to tell anyone about this, right?
Upon completion
Blue says: Turns out the real reward was the friends we made along the way! Well, that and the ability to punch holes in space to check our banks from anywhere. But mostly the friends.
Blue says: And it turns out that the more people that share a Warband Bank, the faster it recharges. Looks like the magic of friendship is cold hard science! Or something like that, anyway.
Rivet says: That's not how either of those work!


  1. N [20-80] Warbands: Warbanding Together
  2. N [20-80] Warbands: Rift Reader & N [20-80] Warbands: Space Ghosts by the Coast
  3. N [20-80] Warbands: Twinsposition
  4. N [20-80] Warbands: Spacetime is Money

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