Wandering Skeleton

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MobWandering Skeleton
Image of Wandering Skeleton
Gender Female
Race Skeleton (Undead)
Level 55
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Scourge
Location Dalson's Tears, Western Plaguelands[47, 48]
Status Killable
Relative(s) Harold Dalson (husband)

The Wandering Skeleton is a skeleton found at Dalson's Tears in the Western Plaguelands.


The sad story of the Dalsons is recounted in Mrs. Dalson's Diary. The farmers tried as long as they could to defend themselves. When Harold Dalson became ill with the plague and started transforming, his brave yet scared wife carried and pushed his twitching body into the only place she thought could hold her husband: the Outhouse. She kept the key with her so that he could never be released. Sadly, the Scourge overran the farm that very night, and she rose as the Wandering Skeleton.


  • Spell shadow scourgebuild.png Bone Shards — Encases the caster in a shield of bone shards for 10 sec. The sharpened fragments deal 8 to 12 damage to melee attackers.

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