Wandering Protector

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AllianceWandering Protector
Image of Wandering Protector
Race Ancient protector (Elemental)
Level 7-30 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Darnassus
Location East of Raynewood Retreat, Ashenvale[67.2, 49.0]

The Wandering Protector is an ancient that patrols around the area east of Raynewood Retreat in Ashenvale Forest. It is advisible for Horde players to keep an eye out, as the Protector has a habit of showing up in the worst possible situations. A large number of Horde players like to return to Ashenvale at later dates and kill the Protector.

Patrol path

The Protector patrols the area east of Raynewood Retreat. Following the small roads around Night Run.

Patch changes

External links