Wait for Sirra to Finish

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AllianceWait For Sirra To Finish
Start Sirra Von'Indi
End Sirra Von'Indi
Level 30 (Requires 24)
Category Duskwood
Experience 1850
Previous A [30] Translate Abercrombie's Note
Next A [30] Translation to Ello


Wait a moment, then speak with Sirra Von'Indi again.


I'm almost finished translating that note. If you come back in a few moments I should be done.


You will gain:

  • 1850 XP (or 1s 40c at level 80)


There we are. It's translated...

<The air grows heavy, as if a thick, black curtain is drawn over the land...>


  1. (Optional breadcrumb) A [25] The Hermit
  2. A [24] Supplies from Darkshire
  3. A [24] Ghost Hair Thread
  4. A [24] Return the Comb
  5. A [24] Deliver the Thread
  6. A [24] Zombie Juice
  7. A [24] Gather Rot Blossoms
  8. A [24] Juice Delivery
  9. A [30] Ogre Thieves
  10. A [27] Ghoulish Effigy
  11. A [30] Note to the Mayor
  12. A [30] Translate Abercrombie's Note
  13. A [30] Wait For Sirra To Finish
  14. A [30] Translation to Ello
  15. A [30] Bride of the Embalmer

Patch changes

External links