WANTED: Hilaani (Alliance)

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AllianceWANTED: Hilaani
Start Patrick Messer
End Patrick Messer
Level 20-40
Category Talador
Experience 17,980
Rewards  [Riverbeast Tusk Shank]
 [Sharpened Riverbeast Tusk]
 [Riverbeast Jawbone]
 [Halaani's Wisdom Tooth]
 [Sha'tari Keeper Girdle]
 [Riverbeast Femur]
26g 80s
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [20-40] WANTED: Hilaani.


Kill Hilaani and bring the Pile of Riverbeast Meat to Patrick Messer.


O'riley[sic] wants to thank our peasants for their hard work with a riverbeast dinner. I don't want to waste your time asking you to slaughter the things all day, commander. We've gotten reports of a huge riverbeast called Hilaani that would feed the whole fort twice over living in the lake to the south.

If you have a chance to bring cuts of her meat back, the men would be grateful.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards
Inv knife 1h draenorquest95 b 01.png [Riverbeast Tusk Shank] Inv knife 1h draenorquest95 b 02.png [Sharpened Riverbeast Tusk]
Inv mace 1h draenorquest b 02.png [Riverbeast Jawbone] Inv misc necklace 6 0 008.png [Halaani's Wisdom Tooth]
Inv plate draenorquest90 b 01belt.png [Sha'tari Keeper Girdle] Inv mace 1h draenorquest b 01.png [Riverbeast Femur]

You will also receive: 26g 80s


Have you had time to kill Hilaani?


Thank you, commander! The peasants will be singing songs about your generosity tomorrow.

On completion:

Patrick Messer yells: We're eating riverbeast tonight, boys!


  • 17,980

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