Vordrassil's Seeds (Horde)

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HordeVordrassil's Seeds
Start Windseer Grayhorn
End Windseer Grayhorn
Level 15-30
Category Grizzly Hills
Experience 20,750
Reputation Warsong Offensive +250
Rewards Choose one of:
 [Hoarder's Necklace]
 [Band of the Tender]
 [Drape of the Possessive Soul]
Previous H [15-30] The Bear God's Offspring
H [15-30] A Possible Link
Next H [15-30G3] Ursoc, the Bear God
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [15-30] Vordrassil's Seeds.


Windseer Grayhorn in Conquest Hold wants you to go to Grizzlemaw and obtain 8 of Vordrassil's Seeds.


We must make sure that Vordrassil is never regrown. The furbolg must have harvested its seed.

Go to Grizzlemaw, in central Grizzly Hills, and obtain all the seeds that you can find. I will make sure they're properly destroyed.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv jewelry necklace 20.png [Hoarder's Necklace] Inv jewelry ring 28.png [Band of the Tender]
Inv misc cape 15.png [Drape of the Possessive Soul]


Have you obtained Vordrassil's seeds yet, <name>?


Thank you, <name>. I'll take those from you.

The corruptive power of these seeds is dangerous. I must destroy them right away.


Kill either a Redfang or a Frostpaw furbolg to make yourself neutral to the opposite faction, which makes it easier to pick up the seeds.


  1. H [15-30] Vordrassil's Fall & H [15-30] The Darkness Beneath
  2. H [15-30] The Bear God's Offspring & H [15-30] A Possible Link
  3. H [15-30] Vordrassil's Seeds & H [15-30] Destroy the Sapling
  4. H [15-30G3] Ursoc, the Bear God

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External links