The Darkness Beneath

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HordeThe Darkness Beneath
Start Windseer Grayhorn
End Windseer Grayhorn
Level 15-30
Category Grizzly Hills
Experience 20,750
Reputation Warsong Offensive +250
Next H [15-30] The Bear God's Offspring
H [15-30] A Possible Link


Windseer Grayhorn in Conquest Hold wants you to go to Vordrassil's Heart, Vordrassil's Tears and Vordrassil's Limb and use the Geomancer's Orb in the depths beneath the surface.

  • Orb used beneath Vordrassil's Heart.
  • Orb used beneath Vordrassil's Limb.
  • Orb used beneath Vordrassil's Tears.
  •  [Geomancer's Orb] (provided)


Something... dark... happened to the tree Vordrassil. After the druids decided to destroy it, its hollow remains grew roots deep into the ground.

I want you to go to the three locations to the northeast where the tree's trunk shattered and go as far beneath the ground as you can.

Use this orb once you get there to get an imprint of the energy surrounding the area. This might shed some light on what happened to Vordrassil and why it failed to become a world tree.


Have you done what I asked of you, <name>?


This orb... it has been tainted by... a purely evil force.

Whatever else I might learn from studying this energy, one thing is certain. I must destroy this orb as soon as possible. Its corrupting force is just too strong.


  1. Complete both to continue:
  2. Complete both to continue:
  3. Complete both to continue:
  4. H [15-30G3] Ursoc, the Bear God

Patch changes

External links