Vision of Faithless Invader

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NeutralVision of Faithless Invader
Image of Vision of Faithless Invader
Title <Vision of the Past>
Race Sethrak (Undead)
Level 30-60
Reaction Horde
Affiliation(s) Faithless
Location Port of Zem'lan, Vol'dun[36, 74.8]
Status Deceased

Visions of Faithless Invaders are visions of Faithless sethrak attackers that appear near the northwestern outskirts of the Port of Zem'lan in Vol'dun during H [30-60] My Last Day Alive, fighting against Pirate-King Zem'lan's crewmembers.[1] Ostensibly, all that remains of them in the current day are the Souldrained Invader corpses strewn about the northwestern parts of the port.

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