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Vineyard Enforcer

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MobVineyard Enforcer

Vineyard Enforcer (Male).png

Vineyard Enforcer (Female).png

Race Nightborne (Humanoid)
Level 45
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Suramar
Location Suramar
Status Killable

Vineyard Enforcers are nightborne located in Suramar.


  • Knock down - Slams the target, inflicting Physical damage and knocking the target down.
  • Nether Suppression - Deals Arcane damage every 1.5 secs for 6 sec. Slows both attack and movement speed by 30%.

Objective of


  • Begone!
  • Halt!
  • I will hear none of your excuses. Back to work!
  • Learn your place, dog!
  • Stand back!
  • Stop right there!
  • The Overseer will hear of this. Mark my words, Margaux.
  • Very good.
  • You can be replaced, if you grow weary.
  • You forget your station, filth!
  • You there! Back to work!

Patch changes

External links