Vestments of the Dark Phoenix (transmog set)

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Vestments of the Dark Phoenix (Transmog set) is a transmogrification set based on the normal-mode Tier 12 Rogue set Vestments of the Dark Phoenix. All pieces are available, and multiple pieces are available for each slot. All dropped items (including the patterns) come from the Firelands.

Slot Item Source Boss
Head  [Dark Phoenix Helmet] Purchased for 1 Helm of the Fiery Vanquisher Ragnaros
 [Hood of Rampant Disdain] Boss drop Lord Rhyolith
Shoulders  [Dark Phoenix Spaulders] Purchased for 1 Mantle of the Fiery Vanquisher Majordomo Staghelm
 [Shoulderpads of the Forgotten Gate] Boss drop Baleroc
Chest  [Dark Phoenix Tunic] Purchased for 2200 Justice Points
 [Breastplate of the Incendiary Soul] Boss drop Baleroc
Wrists  [Flickering Wristbands] Boss drop Alysrazor
 [Flamebinder Bracers] Purchased for 1250 Justice Points
Hands  [Gloves of Dissolving Smoke] Boss drop Shannox
 [Clutches of Evil] Leatherworking:  [Pattern: Clutches of Evil]
Waist  [Riplimb's Lost Collar] Zone Drop
 [Flamebinding Girdle] Purchased for 75g from Avengers of Hyjal when Honored
Legs  [Cinderweb Leggings] Boss drop Beth'tilac
 [Dark Phoenix Legguards] Purchased for 2200 Justice Points
Feet  [Sandals of Leaping Coals] Boss drop Majordomo Staghelm
 [Treads of the Craft] Leatherworking:  [Pattern: Treads of the Craft]

Avengers of Hyjal quartermasters are found at the entrance to the Firelands (both inside and outside the instance). Items purchased with [Justice Points] and Tokens of the Fiery Vanquisher are sold by Horde Gunra <Justice Quartermaster> in Orgrimmar and Alliance Magatha Silverton <Justice Quartermaster> in Stormwind City.

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