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Gender Male
Race Blood elf
Affiliation(s) Kael'thas Sunstrider, Illidan Stormrage
Occupation Subject of Kael'thas
Status Alive
WorldofWarcraftRPG logo.png
This article contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.

Var'thal was a blood elf in the service of Prince Kael'thas Sunstrider. He wielded a warglaive. He found himself the victor in a confrontation against a felhound and eagerly proceeded to drain the demon of its magic, while thanking Illidan Stormrage for his gift to the blood elves. He contemplated how it would feel to feed on the energies of more powerful demons or even individuals like Jaina Proudmoore or the Lich King himself. Before leaving he said, "Your kind feeds us now, demon. You will make the blood elves strong so that we might repay those who abandoned us". He promised the creature to tell the Prince of their encounter.[1]
