Vampiric Touch (priest rune)

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For the retail ability, see [Vampiric Touch].
Vampiric Touch
Spell holy stoicism.png
  • Vampiric Touch
  • Priest rune
  • 30 yd range
  • 16% of base mana
  • 1.5 sec cast
  • Applies your Vampiric Embrace talent to your target, causes 612 Shadow damage over 15 sec to your target, and causes all party members to gain mana equal to 2% of any Shadow spell damage you deal to the target.
Class Priest
School Shadow
Cooldown None/Global Cooldown
Related debuff
  • Magic
  • Vampiric Touch
  • 2 Shadow damage every 5 seconds. Priest's party gains mana equal to 2% of Shadow spell damage caused by the priest to this target.
  • Duration: 15 seconds

Vampiric Touch is a Priest rune for cloaks. It is learned from  [Aperitive Epiphany].

Patch changes

External links