User talk:Thebardinblack

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The Alliance Horde War

Mate the conflict pages, when listing the commanders in their infobox only list those who activley take part in the war or the troops they lead do. However if those commanders are also a part of Neutral faction and their in-game incarnation cannot be engaged in combat, moreover it is friendly to the opposite faction they cannot be listed. For instance Lady Liadrin is not listed as the Horde commander because she doesn't take part in the war even if the Blood Knights do. She's now more a part of the Shattered Sun Offensive.

Malfurion remains neutral in this war. He's a husband of Tyrande, but a alot of the 'new lore' is a Knaak's firvolous creation, that although Blizzard always admitts, might be not be really appreciated by them, since they neither gave Malfurion a PvP leader title, nor the Darnassus Faction. He just stands next to the Tyrande, but he is neutral for the Horde. In Darkshore and Hyjal he is friendly to them. IconSmall BloodElf2 Male.gif Encaitar (DiscussionDeeds) 18:08, 16 January 2011 (UTC)

PS: Hammuul Runetotem is not listed as the Horde Commander either.


Go to the Cenarion Circle page. Malfurion is listed as the main leader and neutral therefore he cannot be the Alliance commander.IconSmall BloodElf2 Male.gif Encaitar (DiscussionDeeds) 18:16, 16 January 2011 (UTC)