User talk:Sandwichman2448/Saga of the Bucket

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I was thinking... Angel gets to the tuskarr and they decided to bind it into mortal form, a gnome named Sanveena. They hide Sanveena in Dun Morogh with a family of gnomes. Mr.Blaine temporarily yeilds the throne of Underkaskala to hunt for the new bucketstone. He takes an elite group of David Blainetanists to help him. They raze the Dun Morogh countryside for years till they find Sanveena's family. They eat the family but Sanveena escapes. She sees a captured black dragon in hunter's snare and decideds to free him. He takes a High Elven form and the two fall in love. Then he betrays her and sells her to David Blaine, who with the help of some Blood Elven arcanists, rips the magic from Sanveena leaving nothing but a gnome who gains the honor of being the main course at the feast day of David Blaine back at Underkaskala. The felkarr live evil-y every after and the gnome/tuskarr alliance dwindles away till they're complete strangers to each other.  IconSmall HighElf Male.gif Mr.X8 Talk Contribs 22:08, 23 February 2008 (UTC)

Sunwell parody much? That can happen, but what about the Felkarr/Shark vs. Tuskarr/Gnome war? They just quit? I was thinking it is a nice chance for the felkarr to kick butt with all the people we discussed.--SWM2448 22:14, 23 February 2008 (UTC)

No, fine Tusklord Hrak'kar binds the Bucketstone, while a 10 yr. war of the said alliances is going on. And you don't like the Sunwell parody? I can change it. The reason I said the gnome/tuskarr alliance dwindles instead of they all die is I know Airiph will be riding my ass yellin how "gnomes are people, too" till I change it.  IconSmall HighElf Male.gif Mr.X8 Talk Contribs 22:18, 23 February 2008 (UTC)

No, I LOL'd at the parody, I just wanted the ass-kicking. BTW, Zaoza came from a talk page where Vorbis said "...breakfast burritos and high elves stand an equal chance to become a playable race." and then Kirochi said "The Felkarr may stand a better chance. Unless Zaoza overpowers David Blaine (check on Google, David Blaine has been beaten by a French magician)."--SWM2448 22:26, 23 February 2008 (UTC)

Well then since you obviously noticed I like HEs and they have a very weird connection to breakfast burritos now, can we add an inportant HE character? I was thinking like an ex-farstrider helping the tuskarr. Oh and what about Zaozao and his breakfast burrito wep?  IconSmall HighElf Male.gif Mr.X8 Talk Contribs 22:28, 23 February 2008 (UTC)

You can add a High elf guy. What does he do? I said Zaoza just uses it as a weapon to tie in the comment, it can be called Gasbringer or the like. I made Criss Angel fill the role of the anti-felkarr gnome that gets abused you were talking about.--SWM2448 22:36, 23 February 2008 (UTC)

That reminds, we should add cashbringer. I had User:Mr.X8/The Sword in the Bucketstone, but Cashbringer is funnier.  IconSmall HighElf Male.gif Mr.X8 Talk Contribs 22:39, 23 February 2008 (UTC)

Why thank you. It has to do with goblins though, so what side are they on (money)?--SWM2448 22:43, 23 February 2008 (UTC)

Damn that's right. So I guess we need to stay with Sword B. So let me get the alliances right

A. Felkarr/Sharks Heroes:

B. Gnomes/Tuskarr Heroes:

 IconSmall HighElf Male.gif Mr.X8 Talk Contribs 22:45, 23 February 2008 (UTC)

More like that.--SWM2448 22:52, 23 February 2008 (UTC)

Oh my God I'm so sorry for breaking your edit.  IconSmall HighElf Male.gif Mr.X8 Talk Contribs 23:11, 23 February 2008 (UTC)

No, I broke my own and yours. Do not worry.--SWM2448 23:12, 23 February 2008 (UTC)

Break 1

So Criss leaves? I thought you wanted bad things to happen to him? Gnomeregan is blown up, is it not? From here I see them having a war, David winning mostly, the gnomes getting eaten, and then the tuskarr binding the bucket.--SWM2448 00:28, 24 February 2008 (UTC)

No, no Criss doesn't leaves. I'm making it look like he's leaving, but in truth he is sent to secretly guard Sanveena (her guardian angel of sorts, or bodyguard). But let me condense it for you.

The second half opens with Criss being a commando. He is a magician, soldier, and rogue. He's being pursued by the Felkarr's allies, the felsharks, demonically evolved sharks. He is able to escape and gives the bucketstone to the 2 leaders and then he leaves, for awhile... Then you fast foward to Castle Eisodos (an old castle which is the only entrance to underkaskala) where you see Blaine and him getting pissed. Fastforward a day later, and the 4 armies are gathering to battle. Half-way through the Tusklord leaves with the bucketstone, to begin an ancient shamanistic binding ritual to bind her to humanoid form. He gives her the form of a gnome (so she can blend in outside of Northrend), and he sends the infant christened "Sanveena" through a portal to IF, where Mekk has agents who will take her to a family's farm in Dun Morogh. Felkarr/sharks ultimately win the battle, but they lose because the bucketstone was evacuated. Blaine returns to Eisodos where he temporarily yields power of the Fellies to some other felkarr so he can find the new Bucketstone. Kil'jaedan himself sends over an orb that can track immense divine power (such as the bucketstone). Blaine first needs help. Same time in Theramore, an HE is getting thrown out of a bar for being drunk where he's kidnapped by Felkarr assassins and brought to Underkaskala. Assassins bring him to Blaine's throne where he gives him an ultimatum; use his powerful powers of nature to track the new bucketstone and get handsomely rewarded, or become the next meal for the felprawns in the stables. The HE (whose name is Merc'Anari Brightsun) agrees and David Blaine and 4 other elite fellies leave to make their way to South to check every planet, continent, country, even city. Fastforward 17 years later to see her as an average, moody teenager and how she hates her family (As Mekk visited her family one day and she finds she actually a Tuskarr artifact of immense power bound to mortal form) so she decided to run away. Walking through the forest she sees a black dragon snared in a bear trap and some nets and she takes pity on him so she frees him. "Not" being a typical douche bag black dragon, he is debt to her and joins her. She tells him who she is and that some monsters called "Felkarr" are tracking her. He "promises" to protect always and they leave for some great destiny. Meanwhile after scouring all of Northrend, Outland, Teldrassil, Auberdine, Quel'thalas (basically all of northern Azeroth + Outland), the group of felkarr + Merc are travleing Dun Morogh and they catch site of Sanveena. The dragon (yet un-named) tells her to run, he'll catch, blah, blah, and charges the hunting party. He is in the end subdued and Blaine cooly tells him he will immensly reward him if he betrays sanveena and returns them to her. They let him go and give him a medallion of which they can contact the group. Drake leaves and is about to throw it away in a river when he realizes how rich and powerful he can be. He even imagines himself taking over the black dragonflight, quite possibly the world. He keeps it and meets up with her.

The pair travels the world never stopping for fear of being caught when finally the drake realizes, he loves her. The two become even closer and begin to love each other. Then he hears whispers in his head one day. Every day the grwo stronger telling him give up the gnome. He is the son of Deathwing and if he gives her up, WILL become leader of the blacks then the world. So with great sadness, he contacts Blaine to tell him meet the 2 in Hillsbrad. At this Blaine sends Merc to Silvermoon. Blaine and the three other fellies go to Hillsbrad (wit the disguise of Dalaran mages so if anyone picks up their magical scent, they'l think it's just 'cuz they're arcane users) Drake leads Sanveena to Hillsbrad and the two meet in the forest around SS. Then drake binds sanveena and tells her he must give her back to her rightful owner. They see the fellies and Sanveena faints from seeing enormous red walrus-men. Then a portal opens up with Silvermoon in the background. It turns out Blaine sent Merc to bring back the magisters that had previously bound M'uru to help suck the magic of the bucketstone from so to create a new, better one. Then pops Criss and Merc and him get into an epic battle and while Criss is distracted, he opens a port to Underkaskala. Merc sends his combat pets (a lion, dragonhawk and wolf) to distract Criss while Merc places a bullet in Criss' forehead. He loots the corpse, mounts up, then rides away. While the drake is walking away with his reward (an enormous bag of gold with some jewels mixed in), the voices pop up (only this time it's clearly only one voice and it's Blaine's) and now the one voice says Blaine was actually the voices and he used an old mind trick on him, duping him into giving San up. Angry, he sets off north to Northrend to find, free her, and kill Blaine though as he's about to set off, Merc asks the trees in the forest (using the spell "speak with plants") to capture the drake. They do and then Merc kills him, taking all the useful parts of a dragon to sell later. He hearths way presumably to UK. You see the undergound UK and in the city's square (where the bucketstone was going to be kept) the arcanists begin the spell to harvest the magic from her. Knowing it's the end, Sanveena gives up. Merc returns and the spell begins.

By magic Sanveena is lited up into the air, and red beams of magic from the hands of the arcanists and you can clearly see gold light erupt from her mouth, eyes, nostrils, and ears to form an, ethereal, heavenly, golden bucket. Then gravity acts up and Sanveen hits the ground and some slaves carry her away to the city's famous "gnomish" cuisine 5 star restaurant. In an enormous dining hall, the fellies (and a disgusted Merc) see a cooked Sanveena on a gold platter with watercress under her, and a shiny red apple in her mouth and the Felkarr move in for the meal of gnomes flesh and tuskarr blood. Merc asks what happened to Sanveena (as he can't recognize her with her hair or eyes), and tuskarr aristocrat informs him Sanveens "Had the Glorious honor of being the main course over there, on the gold platter) about to throw up his freakin' guts, Merc hearths away to Theramore for a brew to make him forgt that whole ordeal. Not without being 1,000,000 gold richer, however...

So, what do you guys think?  IconSmall HighElf Male.gif Mr.X8 Talk Contribs 03:23, 24 February 2008 (UTC)

It is just me right now. My comments: Wow that is a lot of text. I read it all, though. Why did Chriss leave to go protect her if she was not made yet? What is 'Castle Eisodos' from, or did you make it up? I just want to know on that. I see the Mercenary thing is a tie-in of your other fan fiction. Does Mekkatorque need to tell her? If the drake is Deathwing's son that may contradict real WoW lore, unless it is a felkarr lie. I really LOL’d on the golden bucket thing, but then she gets eaten?? Gross. I also do not like the idea of an ending at all. One more thing, I think you or me is still confused on the Bucket/Bucketstone thing I think of it as Sunwell/Runestone, as Bhaal said it was sorta like that.--SWM2448 03:32, 24 February 2008 (UTC)

They had planned to bind her to mortal form before he performed the ritual. That's why when the shadow darted they all al knew it was criss so they didn't care. Castle Eisodos was just made up for a temporary base for Blaine. It's paroding the gates of hell and eisodos means "gateway" in Greek. The drake is NOT his son, Blaine just tricked him. Hey she's a gnome what was I supposed to do with her mortal form? And with the Bucket/Bucketstone thing I screwed up. I guess the Bucketstone is now the Sunwell, lesser bucketstone is the equivalent to runestone. Sorry Super Bhaal!  IconSmall HighElf Male.gif Mr.X8 Talk Contribs 03:38, 24 February 2008 (UTC)

Break 2

I can fix the timeline issues, I guess. I think Bhaal just said it as a passing comment anyway. I wanted to write the battle scene Frowney.gif. Yours is not bad.--SWM2448 03:44, 24 February 2008 (UTC)

Well you have my permission for a retcon. Enjoy :)  IconSmall HighElf Male.gif Mr.X8 Talk Contribs 03:54, 24 February 2008 (UTC)

You're not going to change it?  IconSmall HighElf Male.gif Mr.X8 Talk Contribs 19:43, 24 February 2008 (UTC)

And who do you want to tell Snaveena seh's the Bucketstone, and we don't dont have to have an end. I just wanted for once the bad guys to win. We can have another faction steal the Bucketstone again if you want.  IconSmall HighElf Male.gif Mr.X8 Talk Contribs 20:01, 24 February 2008 (UTC)

I do things other than WoW/WoWWiki in my day. I fixed it. When I said "Does Mekkatorque need to tell her?" It was not "Does Mekkatorque need to tell her?" it was "Does Mekkatorque need to tell her?". Why does she find out? A felkarr attack?--SWM2448 21:29, 24 February 2008 (UTC)

Oh, well since this is based off the sunwell trilogy, how does Anveena find out? IF you want to make some original story board, it can be up to you. I was thinking Dave, Bob, Merc, and maybe like 2-3 other felkarr trackers/hunters check all of northern azeroth and Outland. I have that the story picks up at 17 so when her and dragon fall in love it won't seem creepy if she's like 10-13. But I would prefer if you would re-write the battle to seem more humorous. I just need to ask, strategically the felz/sharks win, but the bucketstone escapes.  IconSmall HighElf Male.gif Mr.X8 Talk Contribs 21:41, 24 February 2008 (UTC)

I have the battle mostly written, how do you want the gnomes to die? Also, Mekk can not die. (Glances around for gnome-lover flameing)--SWM2448 21:44, 24 February 2008 (UTC)

Right. Personally I'd prefer if real WC characters remained alive. Oh and the gnomes/tuskarr will just be overpowered by the savage yet powerful) felkarr and sharks. Oh and I was thinking, felsharks should be able to be on land. They can either float or slither across the ground. If they float, I think they should have wings of some sort, even if they can be their fins. IconSmall HighElf Male.gif Mr.X8 Talk Contribs

Nice! And you even added humor.  IconSmall HighElf Male.gif Mr.X8 Talk Contribs 00:56, 25 February 2008 (UTC)

Oh and I made all the character pages that weren't added yet.  IconSmall HighElf Male.gif Mr.X8 Talk Contribs 00:57, 25 February 2008 (UTC)

Have an idea. David and Hrak'kar are bros. Their dad was Wally, who's age was greatly increased by the powers of Bucketstone (which he was the first to witness it). They're pretty much opposites. Which why each of them want each other dead. Oh and think we could make a fake shot. I mean we could cut out a tuskarr's head from, put it on like a tauren's body (though we may have to strech out the body) in like a warlock tier w/ a cool looking staff, and we can add like wow fire around their bodies. But seriously, that would be as funny as hell if someone did it.  IconSmall HighElf Male.gif Mr.X8 Talk Contribs 02:10, 25 February 2008 (UTC)

It began with a few jokes about the tuskarr's acceptance of things, and their sorcerers. Kirochi decided to make a page about them, and I enjoyed it. Because it was a group effort, I felt that all of the original thread should be represented on the page. Kirochi gave me permission to add to the page, and dubbed it a cult. I then organized (I would later see it as stealing) the comments on the felkarr page. I also agreed not to flood the wiki with low-quality fan fiction. Later, I wished to end the stagnation of the felkarr by creating this epic comedy. You have now eaten it. It is a consensus, not a race to add content. If I can not handle this, I have no reason to run for admin. I do value your input and additions. You are not a vandal, just eager, but still. Also, If I get the tuskarr model I can make a felkarr.--SWM2448 02:48, 25 February 2008 (UTC)

Was I too harsh?--SWM2448 03:00, 25 February 2008 (UTC)

Th felkarr was just a joke, it would be a violation because the tuskarrs were datamined. And I don't understand what you mean? You want me to cut back on the minor details of the felkarr?  IconSmall HighElf Male.gif Mr.X8 Talk Contribs 03:03, 25 February 2008 (UTC)

The tuskarr models are no longer off-limits! Smiley.gif Just slow down a bit. I am sorry for that.--SWM2448 03:06, 25 February 2008 (UTC)

Then would you like to?

So what are we keeping? I like Mer'Anari so we can we try to spare him from the speedy delete?  IconSmall HighElf Male.gif Mr.X8 Talk Contribs 03:13, 25 February 2008 (UTC)

I am not deleting anything.--SWM2448 21:03, 25 February 2008 (UTC)

How much a day should we add?  IconSmall HighElf Male.gif Mr.X8 Talk Contribs 03:11, 26 February 2008 (UTC)

Oh I have a question on the felkarr, besides them having tons of locks and mages, can we add more about them being warriors, hunters, rogues, DKs, etc? Oh and can use guns and like harpoon crossbows? I would prefer them over bows just if you need to know that for upcoming stuff.  IconSmall HighElf Male.gif Mr.X8 Talk Contribs 00:51, 1 March 2008 (UTC)

They can do anything. I want David to use spells though. What were you thinking?--SWM2448 00:56, 1 March 2008 (UTC)

Yeah I'm all for him being a caster, I just like guns and crossbows so I just wanted to tie them in? Oh and can he have a special staff?  IconSmall HighElf Male.gif Mr.X8 Talk Contribs 00:58, 1 March 2008 (UTC)

What kind of staff?--SWM2448 01:01, 1 March 2008 (UTC)

A cool one... Basically anything that sounds funny/cool  IconSmall HighElf Male.gif Mr.X8 Talk Contribs 01:03, 1 March 2008 (UTC)

I was thinking maybe a staff like the one Keldor the Lost has. Maybe?  IconSmall HighElf Male.gif Mr.X8 Talk Contribs 01:13, 1 March 2008 (UTC)

hello? So bored. I couldn't go see Semi pro with my friends...  IconSmall HighElf Male.gif Mr.X8 Talk Contribs 01:30, 1 March 2008 (UTC)

The staff is fine. I am sorry about your lack of movie-goings.--SWM2448 02:09, 1 March 2008 (UTC)

lol it's fine. So, no on the weapons article? I was thinking about adding some fighting styles as a joke too  IconSmall HighElf Male.gif Mr.X8 Talk Contribs 02:11, 1 March 2008 (UTC)

Are we done with the battle scene and moving onto Sanveena's story? I however think we can squeeze some more fighting into this.  IconSmall HighElf Male.gif Mr.X8 Talk Contribs 18:59, 1 March 2008 (UTC)

Zaoza (or however you spell it) will fight David, the felkarr will win, the LotS just stand there with a '!' over his head, the bucket is bound into the gnome form, Chriss goes to protect her, then your part starts. That is how I am tring to make it.--SWM2448 19:45, 1 March 2008 (UTC)

Sorry, but who's LotS, and can you add just a little bit more fighting, I really like your battle scenes, plus i makes it even more interesting.  IconSmall HighElf Male.gif Mr.X8 Talk Contribs 20:04, 1 March 2008 (UTC)

Lord of the Sandwiches.--SWM2448 20:29, 1 March 2008 (UTC)

Now I get it. Should we break this page up, it says it's 32 kilobytes long. Sorry for stating the obvious about that, but I don't know what can happen if we don't.  IconSmall HighElf Male.gif Mr.X8 Talk Contribs 20:33, 1 March 2008 (UTC)

Finally I created a page for David Blaine  IconSmall HighElf Male.gif Mr.X8 Talk Contribs 21:16, 1 March 2008 (UTC)

He is covered on the felkarr page, is he not?--SWM2448 22:02, 1 March 2008 (UTC)

I'm sure he is. I'm going more into how he become who he is, not just who he is which I believe is what the page covers.  IconSmall HighElf Male.gif Mr.X8 Talk Contribs 22:26, 1 March 2008 (UTC)