User talk:Nuge16/Zann the Defender

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Why... does this sound like a fanfic? I've never heard of this guy, nor is any source material provided. He may have been some random Paladin seen in the campaigns, but if so I doubt his backstory would have been so developed. --Adonzo 21:02, 4 July 2006 (EDT)

More holes... being able to defeat Arthas singlehandedly is no small feat, immediately calling into question the validity of this. Also, Jaina Proudmoore left Lordaeron just before Arthas' undead invasion began. She was involved in no battle at Hearthglen. --Adonzo 21:07, 4 July 2006 (EDT)

Yea this story seem like fan fiction. --Frejh 13:59, 8 July 2006 (EDT)

Adding fanfic template and removing changes on other pages until proof appears. Zann the Defender is a generic Paladin name from WC3 (apparently, after a search on google). -- Kirkburn 14:32, 8 July 2006 (EDT)