User:Nuge16/Zann the Defender

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This article is fan fiction.
The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Warcraft lore or history. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and are applied for roleplaying purposes only.

Zann the Defender

Third Paladin to earn the rank as Knight of the Silver Hand. Lost mentor Uther Lightbringer to old friend Prince Arthas.

Before the Scourge

Zann the Defender from Warcraft III

Training under Azeroth's most renowned paladin, Uther Lightbringer, Zann conjured up some of his own powers that are taught to the incoming paladins. Zann created an ability, which today is called Devotion Aura, which could increase the mental and physical form of a Paladin making him or her more resistive. After joining Uther and the Silver Hand, Zann and his fellow paladins erected the Paladin city of Hearthglen. Training more and more recruites of the Silver Hand each day, Zann blessed each of his followers with his magnificent power, devotion aura.

The Coming of the Scourge

Knowing that the Scourge planned an invasion, Zann prepared his holy city for battle. Moments before the scourge assault on Hearthglen, Jaina Proudmoore arrived to aid Zann and his paladins. A great battle took place and the scourge seemed limitless. Arthas and his armada of undead broke past the defense at the base of the mountain and started to head northward towards the gates of Hearthglen.

Jaina summoned what she could; she was told by Zann to seek Uther and ask for his aid. Upon reaching the gates, Zann gave it all that he had in stopping the great force that plagued the ground it walked on. Arthas and his scourge finally blew into the city and met Zann face to face. Without the slightest hint of intimidation, Zann stepped forth and held back Arthas single handedly, requesting that Arthas seize what he is doing and turn back.

Uther and his men soon came to the aid, wiping the rest of the scourge up from behind. Arthas felt he was near defete and fled, leaving Zann with a fight of his life. Uther was greatly impressed with Zann's defense in the great paladin city of Hearthglen. He honored Zann by calling him the Great Defender which soon merged with his name, giving him the title “Zann the Defender”.

Uther's Death and the future of the Silver Hand

After hearing about Uther's death to Arthas, Zann lost all hope in success. Hungry for vengeance but aware that it would do him no good, Zann went into hiding leaving his city of Hearthglen susceptible to invasion. Many believe Zann fled to Northrend to seek Arthas, others say he went to the Outland to train new races the ways of the light. Zann the Defender will be remembered as a great hero who will one day aid the alliance once again in destroying the Scourge.

Zanns city of Hearthglen was taken over by the Scarlet Crusade when they insisted in helping the town defend the scourge. Naive as it was, the highest authority agreed and let the Scarlet Crusade do what they wished in return for safety.