User talk:Dhamphir

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Young, vibrant, witty and a tinge of Adulterous. These words and many other describe Dhamphir Shan’dir-Onesai, a Huntress of Silvermoon, a mother, and a mercenary.

Name: Dhamphir Jalendis Shan’dir-Onesai Nickname: Phir, Phi, Pie, Onesai, Life Mate. Race: Bloodelf Class: Hunter (Sneaky Rogue Wannabe.) Hair: Strawberry Crimson. Eyes: Vibrant Emerald Age: 200 (About 20-21 for humans.) Server: Sisters of Elune Guild: Guildless

Physical Appearance

She’s about five’five, and she’s rather fit looking, unlike the many nobles and Blood Knights of Silvermoon. Her strawberry colored hair cascades around her face, her hair falling short in the front, and rather long in the back. She never brushes it, or fiddles with it, but it’s always glimmering, as if it has a life of its own. Her eyes are a rather bright emerald, sparkling with a mischevious tint. Her skin is pale, yet on some occasions, when it is called for, she powders it even paler with makeup. Her lips are a soft pink, turning crimson whenever she presses them together in stress, anxiousness or when she is being kissed. When she uses lipstick, they are a shimmering pink and silver, a odd, but interesting color. Her armor is rather mismatched at times, unless she is dressed for a day in the city or meeting people.


Some may call her fiery. Others may call her just a plain bitch. Her mood can swing greatly, but it usually sits at Serious or goofy. She’s nice, and cracks jokes repeatedly when she’s with friends, while people she doesn’t know, or people she dislikes, she’ll be rather icy too. She’s a little bit twitchy around Beau and Rebeca, having just found out that they were related with her. She is very friendly to her adopted-sister, Jenei, not to the point of a incestuous feeling, but enough to get the sisterly bond. Around candy she can get a little hyper, favoring the sweetness.


Dhamphir was born to a Aldor Paladin, a draenei named Lok'shi, and a blood elf named Narinth in The Temple of Karabor, a year or two before the Scourge attacked Silvermoon City. Narinth, having left Karabor, ended up falling in love and marrying Lothan, ending up in Dhamphir's new found siblings.

Dhamphir grew up in Karabor, even when it fell to the demons and fel orcs, and became a slave at first, then a bed mistress. She served as the prime mistress for Illsidius, Thatamos' father for a while, until her and a band of friends managed to sneak out while the Lord was taking his daily route around Shadowmoon.

After splitting with the group, she managed to find her way to Eversong, where she spent a couple years learning the Culinary ways, and making new friends and allegiences. But, after a violent and harsh attack from her ex-love, Jaio, and her once boyfriend Faytor, she left the city to join the Rangers.

After becoming a experienced ranger, Dhamphir ended up falling in love and almost marrying Thatamos, a Blood Knight working in shady operations. She had a child, a son, named Seifer with him, and with a meracle, Seifer was born with no addiction to the fel magic and arcane spells in which Silvermoon swims in.

Due to her adulterous affair with the knight named Sebastyan, Thatamos split from her, far enough to never carry on a relationship, but close enough to make sure his son was okay and Dhamphir was doing fine.

Dhamphir spent a bit of her time alone, before her flame rekindled with Sebastyan. However, Jad'n had her eyes set on Sebastyan, and they had several spits together. When Jad'n left Sebastyan, Dhamphir moved once more to try to prove her love to him when a girl named Suriah entered the picture.

After finding out Sebastyan had been married to this girl for a week, and had gotten her pregnant with twins, Dhamphir moved on, hurt and abused, creating a fast friendship with one of Sebastyan's ex-girlfriends, Rebeca. She also met a rogue by the name of Kazeraith Comeril, who happens to be a noble of some sort, even though he deals with rather "Seedy" parts of town.

Through time and several chats, Dhamphir and Rebeca pieced together their past, realising that their mother was indeed the same woman. Both shocked and overwhelmed, Rebeca and Beau have welcomed Dhamphir into their family with almost open arms.

Lately a rogue by the name of Samondal has been seen trying to make attempts on the lives of the women in the Cartel, and Dhamphir has been extra careful in where she goes or what she does.

--Meep. 22:46, 24 November 2007 (UTC)