User:Xzdxdd123/Terran Republic

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The Terran Republic is a product that emerged after the Declaration of World Unification. In order to solve the serious overpopulation, energy and social crises on the earth, all countries in the world, including China, Japan, Korea, the Holy Roman Empire, and the United States, established a national regime in 2150.


The Birth of the Republic

The Terran Republic was born on January 1, 2150, which is a major change in human history. In the face of serious overpopulation, resource depletion and environmental degradation on the earth, governments of various countries realized that sustainable development can only be achieved through unity. Therefore, after long-term consultations and negotiations, major countries in the world, including China, Japan, South Korea, the United States, and the Holy Roman Empire, decided to establish a new country, the Terran Republic.

In this new country, governments of various countries gave up their original sovereignty and jointly participated in the governance and development of the country. The establishment of the Terran Republic marks that human society has entered a new historical stage, and mankind has begun to move towards global integration.

In the decades since the founding of the Republic of Tailun, governments have actively implemented a series of reform measures, including improving education, medical care, and social security systems, promoting scientific and technological innovation, and raising environmental awareness. These measures have not only promoted domestic economic development, but also set an example for other countries and promoted the process of global integration.

The founding of the Republic of Tailun marks a new stage of global integration, and governments and peoples of various countries have worked together to promote cultural integration and unity of thought. Under the leadership of the Republic of Tailun, governments are committed to eliminating all ethnic and racial separatism and maintaining peace and development.

Under the promotion of the Republic of Tailun, Chinese has become a universal language. This is not only due to the popularity and influence of Chinese, but also because Chinese carries rich cultural and historical connotations and has become a bridge connecting different countries and nations. In the context of globalization, the promotion and application of Chinese has also brought convenience to exchanges and cooperation among countries.

At the same time, the Republic of Tailun also pays attention to the protection and inheritance of the cultural heritage of various countries. Governments and peoples of various countries work together to promote cultural exchanges and mutual learning, so that more people can understand and appreciate the charm of different cultures. This not only enriches the diversity of human civilization, but also contributes to global peace and development.

With the development of science and technology, humans began to expand and establish colonies on other planets in the solar system. Under the leadership of the Republic of Terran, governments of various countries invested a lot of resources and manpower to carry out a series of space exploration and colonization activities. Among them, planets such as Mars, Venus, and Jupiter's satellites have become important colonies of mankind.

In the process of building these colonies, governments of various countries actively played their respective advantages, worked together, and achieved remarkable results. These colonies not only provided new living space for humans, but also injected new vitality into the development of human society.

Exile of the Excess

The history of the Republic was not smooth sailing, and its unification process did involve some controversial and bloody events. On January 1, 2150, the Republic was officially established, marking the beginning of a new era for human society. However, the arrival of this new era did not come without a price.

During the unification process of the Republic of Terran, some violence and repression did occur. The Republic took harsh measures against those opponents, artificial intelligence, dissidents, technology plagiarists, and non-human races. Many people were killed, and the few survivors were exiled to other planets. These actions caused widespread controversy and criticism at the time, but under the propaganda of the Republic of Terra, these voices were gradually diluted.

The media of the Republic often took a vague or diluted attitude when reporting these events. The government controlled the dissemination of information, making it difficult for the general public to learn the truth. This information control not only deprived the public of the right to know, but also hindered social justice and progress.

After unifying the Earth, the Republic did show strong scientific and technological strength and innovation capabilities. The government's investment and support for scientific research has enabled many previously neglected or interrupted research fields to be restarted and developed. Space exploration projects, especially those abandoned due to budget cuts and political sabotage in the mid-twentieth century, have been revived under the leadership of the Republic of Terra.

The researchers of the Republic have made remarkable achievements in space exploration. They have successfully solved the problems of space travel that have long plagued mankind, including life support systems, energy management, and spacecraft navigation. Among them, the breakthrough in cryo-hibernation technology enables astronauts to maintain vital signs during long interstellar travel, while the development of curvature drive technology provides humans with the possibility of crossing interstellar space.

Driven by the Republic, humans began to establish colonies on the moon and other planets in the solar system on a large scale. These colonies not only provided new living space for humans, but also became outposts for humans to further explore the universe. The colonial construction of the Republic adopted a modular and self-sufficient design concept to ensure the sustainable development of the colonies.

In addition, the Republic also encouraged private enterprises and scientific research institutions to participate in space exploration activities, forming a diversified space industry ecology. With the policy support of the Republic, these enterprises and institutions have developed a series of innovative technologies, such as advanced robotics, bioengineering and materials science, which provide strong support for human space exploration.

Aono Hulan Bayar's ambitions and plans reveal the potential power struggles and moral dilemmas within the Republic. As an outstanding young scientist, Aono not only has a deep understanding of science, but also has a strong desire for power. He used his political connections and personal wealth to plan a secret plan to establish colonies outside the human star zone. The core of this plan is to use prisoners who were selected for mass execution in the purification plan as experimental subjects.

Cangye's plan involved not only genetic modification and cyber enhancement of the prisoners, but also long-term cryo-hibernation of them so that they could quickly adapt to the new environment after arriving at their destination. He built an advanced supercomputer, Atlas, to process genetic information and predict which prisoners could survive extreme conditions. Through Atlas' analysis, Cangye screened 40,000 prisoners and believed that they had the potential to survive in the new environment.

Cangye's plan seemed perfect on the surface. He prepared sufficient supplies, rations and hardware for the prisoners, and set up an automatic navigation system to ensure that the spacecraft could reach its destination safely. However, what Cangye did not expect was that the prisoners were eventually launched to a place of certain death at the edge of the Milky Way. This unexpected ending not only revealed the cruelty of Cangye's plan, but also exposed his blind trust in science and power.

The ships spent nearly three decades in warp space and finally entered the Tevyat sector in 2180. The former prisoners formed their own unique civilization throughout the region.

Political Reform

The human settlers in the Tevyat sector were unaware that their every move was under the secret surveillance of the Republic. At first, the Republic was indifferent to the fate of these exiles. They were more concerned about their own development and stability and were not interested in the colonization of these distant regions.

However, when the humans in the Tevyat region clashed with the Unknown Alien Race, the situation began to change subtly. The Republic encountered intelligent alien life for the first time, and this new threat made the Republic feel unprecedented pressure. The attack of two powerful alien races not only posed a direct threat to the Earth and its colonies, but also caused widespread panic and anxiety.

Against this background, the people in the Republic began to express their dissatisfaction with the government. They were worried that the government's neglect of the Tevyat might lead to a crisis for the entire human civilization. The people's dissatisfaction gradually evolved into protests and demonstrations, demanding that the government take action to protect the safety and interests of mankind.

Faced with strong demands and growing dissatisfaction from the people, the government of the Republic had to re-examine its policy towards the Tevyat sector. They realized that they could no longer turn a blind eye to the development and security issues in this region. As a result, the Republic government announced political reforms to respond to the demands of the people and to more effectively deal with possible threats from alien races.

These reforms included strengthening support and supervision of the Tevyat, improving communication with local human settlers, and developing a more comprehensive diplomatic and defense strategy. The Republic began to actively participate in the affairs of the Tevyat, trying to pave the way for the future of mankind in this new cosmic pattern. This series of events not only changed the policy direction of the Republic, but also laid the groundwork for the future development of the Tevyat.

Known Locations


  • Earth (core planet)
  • Moon (colony planet)
  • Sun (colony planet)
  • Venus (colony planet)
  • Jupiter (colony planet)
  • Mercury (colony planet)
  • Mars (colony planet)
  • Saturn (colony planet)
  • Uranus (colony planet)
  • Neptune (colony planet)
  • Pluto (colony planet)


  • Karelich (colony planet)
  • Shinzaka (colony planet)
  • Boromanchea (colony planet)
  • Danwang (colony planet)
  • Singuryeo (colony planet)
  • Liguang (colony planet)
  • New Israel (colony planet)


  • Some of the settings of the Terran Republic refer to human forces in many outer space science fiction works, including the UED and Terran Dominion in StarCraft, and the Galactic Republic and Galactic Empire in "Star Wars.