User:Ximothy/other guilds

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Alliance Guilds

Veiled Eye

Name Role Status Nationality
WarlockIconSmall Human Male.gif Mangus Dreuger former Leader Alive Stormwind
PriestIconSmall Gnome Female.gif Ecila Madhatter Leader Alive Gnomeregan
RogueIconSmall Dwarf Male.gif Tarron Coalbreath Intelligence Alive Ironforge
DeathKnightIconSmall WorgenDeathKnight Female.gif Adelaide Blackbough Enforcer Undead Gilneas

Dusk Owls

Name Role Status Nationality
WarriorIconSmall NightElf Female.gif Nojani Treeshaper Leader Alive Darnassus
DruidIconSmall KulTiran Male.gif Kelsey Hudson Second Alive Kul Tiras
PriestIconSmall Draenei Female.gif Mekeel Battlepriest Alive Exodar
HunterIconSmall VoidElf Male.gif Ezekiel Winterscorn ex-Vassal Alive None

Horde Guilds

Ghost Wolves

Name Role Status Nationality
HunterIconSmall Tauren Female.gif Tult Skymane Leader Alive Mulgore
WarriorIconSmall Tauren Male.gif Buro Ironbull former Second Deceased Mulgore
MonkIconSmall Orc Male.gif Kajora Moltenfist Second Alive Durotar
ShamanIconSmall Pandaren2 Female.gif Yin Lightningpaw Spiritual Assistance Alive Huojin Pandaren
DruidIconSmall Troll Male.gif Zora'jek Supplykeeper Alive Darkspear tribe

Relic Runners

Name Role Status Nationality
MageIconSmall BloodElf Male.png Augustia Saltheril Leader Alive Quel'Thalas
WarriorIconSmall Undead Male.gif Darrus Finnigan Vassal Undead Forsaken
PaladinIconSmall Zandalari Female.gif Koth'riss Enforcer Alive Zandalar
WarlockIconSmall Nightborne Female.gif Bernadette Stelleris Procurement Alive Suramar