User:Ximothy/Warcraft IV/Renders

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Tyrande Whisperwind-

Malfurion Stormrage-

Shandris Feathermoon-

Tukov One-Eye-

Lunathris Advisers

Enemy Heroes

Fandral Staghelm: Long ago Fandral was the prized student of Stormrage and quickly rose to be a leader among his people. So great was the trust that thousands of years go when the gates of Ahn'Qiraj opened Fandral was entrusted to leave the Dream and lead the fight. In the conflict his son died in a painful and gruesome death, darkening the mind of the once bright if arrogant druid. He regards the loss of their blessings during the Third War as a failure, especially as both Stormrage and Whisperwind did not pursue new avenues of immortality, and he sought this himself. This led to him forming the Shalla'tor, and heeding a voice deep within the Dream that made the offers that his leaders refuse.

Natalia Mar'alith: She was once one of the Priestesses of Elune, a high ranking member of the Sisterhood and a friend to Shandris Feathermoon. She was one of the founders of the Shalla'tor and convinced Shandris of their cause, inducting her into the order as a Shadow Render. She is the face of the organisation though it was common knowledge she was not its leader, deffering to someone called the "Suzerain". In truth she no longer worships Elune but instead has found a new God, one who promises to restore the greatness the elves sacrificed at the end of the Third War.

Master Kelris: The Twilight's Hammer are an orcish clan that once served Thrall's Horde but left in the wake of the Third War. Now they encroach on elven territory, damaging relations between the Kaldorei and the Horde. This is the ultimate goal of Kelris, sparking a conflict between the two races. Kelris, who was once a shaman of the Horde himself, now heeds whispers not of the Elements but something old, beneath the earth. He also speaks of his master Cho'gall, once a servant of Gul'dan and now he wishes to bring the end times that the Hammer fought for during the First and Second Wars. He is utterly loyal to his new Gods, though has ambitions to supplant Cho'gall once he brings ruin to the elves.

The Lunathris

Lunathris, The Grove around the Well, under Nordrassil.

Hall of the Hunt:

  • Shandris Feathermoon:

The War Grove:

  • Thom'acos:
  • Avanthera:
  • Frostfur:


  • Tukov One-Eye:

Shrine of the Ancients:

  • Remulos:


Alor'el, Lover's Leaf, As it blooms so too does the Kaldorei.