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Personal Info

Name, A/S/L

  • Name: Bennett (I go by Ben most of the time)
  • Age: 36
  • Sex: Male
  • Place of residence: Detroit, Michigan, USA

Job and Schooling

  • Occupation: Programmer for a major IT company contracted at a diesel engine manufacturing plant
  • Education: B.S. in Mathematics from the University of Michigan (GO BLUE!)

Non-WoW Hobbies

Amazingly, not all of my free time is devoured by WoW. Other things I like to do are play Xbox 360, play Euchre, go to movies with friends, and other fun-filled things with non-pixelated people. I sing lead tenor in a gospel group called The Anchor Men Quartet and have been doing so since 1990, though there was a 2-year span I wasn't singing due to me trying to find a job overseas.

Wow Stuff

WoWWiki info

I've never done anything with a wiki before so I'm a complete noob when it comes to them. I've added a few pages to WoWWiki (this one, one of my characters, and the guild most of my characters are in) as well as do stuff here and there on the Feathermoon server page, which is the server most of my characters are on.

Who I am in Azeroth

I currently play the following characters, though some I don't play that often:

  • Xaandr- human, level 80, paladin, Feathermoon server, member of Damage Incorporated
  • Xaandria- human, level 80, warlock, Feathermoon server, member of Damage Incorporated
  • Aelyia- space goat, level 70, shaman, Feathermoon server, member of Damage Incorporated
  • Trylien- night elf, level 80, druid, Feathermoon server, member of Damage Incorporated
  • Andastre - dwarf, level 80, death knight, Feathermoon server, member of Damage Incorporated
  • Xaan- human, level 74, warlock, Kargath server, member of the Bullpen
  • Mendekka- space goat, level 80, paladin, Kargath server, member of the Bullpen
  • Latonya- night elf, level 34, druid, Kargath server, member of the Bullpen