User:X59/World of Warcraft: The Nightmare

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The Emerald Dream was always a secure and beautiful place where the great dragon Ysera resides. Recently however a dark force only known as the Nightmare has invaded the tranquiel glade. The on going battle between the forces of the green dragonflight, their druid allies and the dark forces of the nightmare have recently come into Azeroth. First with the Shade of Eranikus deep within the Sunken Temple while attempting to stop the return of Hakkar's Avatar and then with Dragons of Nightmare Ysera's most trusted lieutenants having been curropted the dark nightmare and more recently with the mighty Eranikus returning as Eranikus, Tyrant of the Dream and through the power of the Cenarion Circle and the priestess Tyrande Whisperwind he was redeemed. However let itbe known that agents of both the Horde and Alliance aided in combating the Nightmare in all matters in stopping the it from invading Azeroth.

Now the full of the Nightmare is being brought forth to crush the defenders of the emerald dream once and for all. The druids have besieged the Horde and the Alliance to aid them in their plight and so advantures bravely enter the paradise that is slowly becoming a nightmare in itself.

New content

Venture into the lush forests of the Emerald Dream. Venture to new untold levels of power. Experience the first phasing pre-expansion event. The conclusion of the Grimtotem Clan Arc. Staghelm's plan for the morrowgrain revealed. And so much more...

Pre-Nightmare Event

Channeling the energy at her disposal Magatha Grimtotem tricks agents of the Horde in gathering artifacts of great power that would aid her in killing Cairne Bloodhoof. Luckly her attemp is foiled by a combined affert of the forsaken, the tauren and the player seeing her true intent. After a feirce battle with the Grimtotem Clan againts the Horde capital of Thunderbluff, Cairne and Hamuul Runetotem defeat Magatha and as her and the rest of the her grimtotem ilk are to executed for high treason, agents of the nightmare free them and the Grimtotem Clan flees to the dark Nightmare.

Fandral Staghelm enlists the heroes of the Alliance in securing materieal for a secret project hes been under taking, however is not well with the high druid for as the player aids him they notice a longing eagerness in his task. When all the materiels are collected the high druid begins channeling the materiel along with the vast amount of morrowgrain he has gathered, as well as the idol Remulos, it is revealed that he is attempting to bring back his lost son Valstann Staghelm to life. However as he attempts the ritual he cries out "A life for a life, Malfurion for Valstann!" Stunned and horrified the adventure can only watch helplessly as the ritual carries out, only for the rest of the the night elf druids and the sisters led by Tyrande to put an end to Fandral's madness. Driven by insanity by his plot being foiled and losing the last he had to give life to his son once more, the idol was destroyed in the process, Frandel retreats to the emerald dream where he is curropted the nightmare.

Now both the Horde and the Alliance must hunt down their own traitor(s) while fighting the ever growing darkness that plagues the emerald dream.


Cenarion Defenders: Led by Malfurion Stormrage and the demi-god Cenarius enlist adventures of both the horde and the alliance in combating the dark force of the nightmare before all is lost.

The Emerald Crusade: Led by the great Eranikus these dragons boldly fight to save their home and their queen.

Druids of the Forest: Led by Broll Bearmantle these druids seek to cure the dream and their lost member but a re prepared to finish him if need be.

Druids of the Wild: Led by Bovan Windtotem and Hamuul Runetotem, these tauren druids and spirit walkers seek to heal the dream and put an end to the vile grimotem clan once and for all.


The Dark Bluffs: Home to the Grimtotem Clan, where the most powerful of them reside, dwelling with in are Cor Grimtotem and Gorm Grimtotem Magatha's bodyguards, and Magatha herself dwells with in the dark bluffs, strangely enough her servant Rahauro is missing.

The Whispering Caverns: Restless shadows dwell here as the Fandral obediant carries out the nightmare's work in these dark caverns of madness.

Emerald Nightmare: Discover who's behind the nightmare and fce off againts the dreaded Nightmare in its domain.