User:VraulJawrip/Aldarion Desiderius

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NeutralLord Aldarion
Image of Lord Aldarion
Title Commander
Race Human (Half-elf)
Class Warrior
Affiliation(s) Ashen Verdict, Argent Dawn
Occupation Former Squadron Commander of the Argent Dawn
Location Icecrown Glacier
Status Deceased
Relative(s) Valoron (estranged brother), Irulon Doomfist (distant cousin)
Student(s) Gearer, Vilgaz, etc.

Aldarion Desiderius was a lieutenant of the Argent Dawn most famously known for his actions on the Icecrown Glacier. While his childhood is shrouded in mystery, it is known that he had lorded over a small sector of soldiers within the Plaguelands around the time that Naxxramas had arrived, prior to the opening of the Dark Portal. A staunch supporter of the holy light since youth, Aldarion had attempted to become a noble paladin, but he lacked the concentration and focus in order to do so.

Although he eventually fell to the Lich King before being able to see him conquered, Aldarion's legacy lives on in the memories of those who had witnessed his noble actions and continue to do their best to replicate them.

A young Aldarion.

Birth and Childhood

Aldarion was born within the Tirisfal Glades almost long before the Scourge Invasion that corrupted the land. He had grown to be a slightly prideful yet kind person. In his youth, he often adventured alongside his cousin, Irulon, much to the dismay of his worried parents.

He had always been the leader of the adventures he had with his friends due to his unquestionable charisma.

Growing Up - The Scourge

Around the age of seventeen, Aldarion hoped to join the guard to protect King Terenas, whom he was proud to follow. Unfortunately, before he could be accepted, the Scourge had invaded Lordaeron, causing massive destruction and the deaths of King Terenas. He fled to find his parents in Deathknell. He had arrived before the Scourge had a chance to invade it. He had warned his family, but they just ignored it, blaming his imagination and delusions. Irulon had earlier heard the Lich King's whispers, but he still ignored Aldarion, trying to avoid the entire situation. He also ignored Aldarion's words. Being the instinctive leader that he is, he decided to stay at the house and protect his family from the Scourge.

However, when the Scourge knocked on the door, his parents threw him and down into the basement and said their goodbyes, much like how Irulon's parents did. Not minutes later, the two cousins had heard horrific screams: their parents had been scourged. After a few hours, they each had knocked through their doors to find a ghost town.

The Argent Dawn

Aldarion and Irulon decided to split up into Tirisfal Glades to hopefully find an encampment to report to each other. Aldarion had traveled far from the Glades and ended up in Tarren Mill, which was still held by the Lordaeron army. After making friends with the people of the town, a raid of Scourge had attacked. Aldarion narrowly escaped and headed back for the Glades, prepared for the worst. He had found the land a gloomy, deserted horror. Still, he had hoped to find his brother, hopefully alive. Instead, he had found a new order unheard of in Lordaeron. The order was aimed in purging the Scourge from Azeroth. This was the Argent Dawn.

Aldarion, as usual, had risen up the ranks of the Dawn very rapidly. Soon, he became one of Highlord Alexandros Mograine's most trusted guardians. Unfortunately, Renault Mograine, his son, had impaled his father in a devious plot conjured by Kel'thuzad. Aldarion, with another loss, had to again stroll on forward.

After little events besides standing in Light's Hope Chapel, the Dark Portal was opened. This had driven all of the Argent Dawn members to the Eastern Kingdoms. Aldarion had fought and succeeded in fending the Burning Legion off with help from a few people who were to become invaluable to Aldarion's succession later on.

Lord Aldarion

The fighters Aldarion had with him eventually befriended him, and followed him to Chillwind Camp. It was here that he formed his own personal coalition within the Argent Dawn and branded himself lord of its membership.

Lord Aldarion

The Final Battle

Upon succeeding in his mission to prove himself worthy of entering the Lich King's icy domain while battling within the Argent Tournament, Aldarion traversed towards the Icecrown Citadel as soon as was possible. As one of the first fighters to arrive at the face of the terrible structure, Aldarion remained dedicated in his goal as he continued to gather necessary resources for the upcoming siege. Soon enough, an entrance within the Icecrown Citadel was revealed at the side of the structure, wherein Aldarion entered the Frozen Halls to find the entrances to three separate domains wherein many Scourge lieutenants resides and were hard at work maintaining the integrity of the building. These were merely trials to further prove the worth of the Argent Crusader and Knights of the Ebon Blade, however, as the true entrance leading to the Lich King's lair was finally revealed as the Ashen Verdict finally managed to knock down the and literally enter the Lich King's front door.

Within were many terrible, haunting creatures - once noble souls transformed into hideous monsters bent on serving and protecting their master. Climbing to the top along with a large group of other heroes alike, Aldarion finally reached the Frozen Throne and gazed wearily at the Lich King himself. Tirion and The Lich King traded words until Tirion was frozen in ice, unable to help the adventurers in their goal to defeat the dark Scourge lord. However, a mighty battle ensued, as the Lich King brought about his full arsenal of moves against his foes - and the heroes, including Aldarion, did the same.

Unfortunately for Aldarion, he never got to see his goal complete, as he perished just as the Lich King was looking vulnerable. A terrible val'kyr had swooped in and taken hold of Aldarion, proceeding to throw him off of the icy platform down to his doom. While the others who had fallen to the Lich King's power had been resurrected by the spirit of King Terenas, Aldarion had reached too far a distance to be brought back from the spell and was never seen again. It is assumed his body had crashed down onto the lower structures somewhere, and that his spirit was allowed to enter its eternal paradise.

Lord Aldarion Desiderius


This page was created at the request of a friend.

Argent Crusade Recruitment Message


Rest In Peace, Aldarion...