User:Vraul/Ken McAllister

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"Nothing good has ever come from giving in to the rage that lies deep within."

- Ken McAllister
NeutralKen McAllister

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Title <The Black Blade>
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Class Warrior
Affiliation(s) The Emberstone Brotherhood, The Pale Moon Watch (formerly)
Occupation Mercenary
Location Traveling the Basilika
Status Alive
Relative(s) Margaret McAllister (mother)

Ken McAllister is a current employ of the Emberstone Brotherhood, a local faction that seeks to defend the surrounding area of Basilika from invading threats. In his early adulthood, he rose through the ranks of another small group known as the Pale Moon Watch - a mysterious group that searched far and wide for artifacts with the intent on striking it rich from selling them to either disguised wizards or other unscrupulous individuals who would part with their money. While on a mission with the Pale Moon group, Ken unearthed a cursed sword that had been locked away, which he then used to kill the remaining Pale Moon members in a fit of violent rage.

After coming to, he found himself unable or at least unwilling to part with the blade, and grew a bond with it over the course of the many years he went into hiding thereafter. It was not until the Nords had returned to threaten the entire land of Basilika did Ken decide to return to human civilization and eventually join the fledgling Emberstone Brotherhood, though his motives for doing so are vague and uncertain.


Ken is a stout being of average height, though his quiet personality usually makes him almost invisible in social situations. While a part of the Emberstone Brotherhood, he usually looks to his compatriots to properly discuss the details of their ventures to the local politicians. He is often kind and slow to anger when spoken to, and the few who can recall his name usually relay that he is a gentle being to speak with, though the strange sword he keeps sheathed on him at all times does create an uncomfortable aura around him.

Early Life

Ken in his youth, while working at his mother's restaurant.

Growing up to a one-parent household, Ken was forced to mature quickly as he worked at his mother's restaurant restaurant in the village of Emberstone from a young age. While the family was not necessarily dirt poor, there were trying times where Ken's mother found herself nearly unable to pay the rent and Ken had to tend to odd jobs in order for them to get by. As he began to reach adulthood, Ken began to grow desperate in search of a life not only with more wealth, but also outside of the walls of his mother's restaurant that he had long grown tired of.

One night, while inquiring about any tasks that the local innskeeper needed, he heard the footsteps of several gentlemen near his age that were growing closer. The group of men took quick interest in Ken through drunken laughter and conversation, and they invited him over to their small encampment they had made not far from town. Though he felt a bit uneasy about trekking out into the night with this group he had just met, his yearn to adventure outside of Emberstone's walls was too great to ignore and he followed them along. Finding their camp made out of an old workshop and a few tents, Ken was given a small bedding and some food after finally getting to sleep near the crack of dawn.

The next morning, the other folks invited Ken to their next intended travel into the local woods to gather supplies. Though he had a responsibility to the store, Ken convinced himself that business has been slow recently and his mother and her staff would be just fine without him for the day. After preparing some food and drink for the trip, Ken set along with the group and they made their way out into the woods - beyond where Ken had ever traveled himself. After hours of what seem like innocent collecting resource collecting, the group returned to their camp with wares to sell to the local merchants in Emberstone. Ken was allowed to keep what he had collected himself, and he made a small earnings from his resourcefulness before returning home to his mother who was none too pleased.

Over the course of the next several months, overnight stays with this new group of friends had become more and more constant, and the income he had earned grew and grew as his findings went from mere berries and sticks to heirlooms and trinkets. His mother grew worried about his recent activity and the larger and larger lumps of money he would grant to her as a cut of his earnings, though Ken would usually placate her by often reminding his mother of her past struggles and that she wouldn't need to struggle any longer with his recent ability to provide for her.

The Pact

Ken McAllister as a member of the Pale Moon Watch.

After countless months of work and camaraderie with his newfound friends, Ken found himself woken up in the middle of the night by their rousing. Waking up with a yawn and a confused look on his face, Ken was brought outside of the camp to a bonfire that had been set in the wilderness. The others in the group began to reveal that they had long formed a pact amongst each other to find mysterious artifacts, often magical, in which they often sold to high-ranking nobles and disguised wizards in discretion. Ken gasped and reminded the others that magic was forbidden within the lands of the Basilika, but was slowly convinced by the others that such a law was an ancient foible in their kingdom that has had a growing number of voices dissenting against it as of late. While fearful of persecution, Ken had no strong opinion either for or against the law forbidding magics, and was swayed by his trusted brothers' words in the night.

After agreeing to not only keep quiet as to their matters but also continue helping them, Ken was offered a small dagger with which he was asked to cut his palm in a blood pact. Taking up the blade, Ken finally learned of the name and the ways of the Pale Moon Watch, fittingly on a night that the moon was at its brightest.


As a member of the Pale Moon Watch, Ken found great success in unearthing numerous magical artifacts hidden within abandoned basements or shacks. As he grew more comfortable in his quests, he and his ilk even managed to sneak into overgrown ruins once built by wizards of ancient times - places that were explicitly forbidden to enter by high law of the Kingdom of Basilika. Whether they found cloaks of invisibility or amulets that instantly renewed their vigor, the Pale Moon members seldom kept these powerful items as they preferred the income from selling them and wanted to avoid getting caught by a perceptive high-ranking guard whom would certainly have them either imprisoned or even possibly executed. Nonetheless, the fortunes of the Watch would come to an abrupt halt one fateful night while performing their usual pillaging.

Making their way to an old, forgotten log cabin in the woods, the group quickly got to their work tearing through the place without a hint of remorse or worry. While looking around what appeared to be the bedroom for places to search, Ken accidentally tripped over an old, dusty rug that had been covering a hatch door that led to the entrance of a hidden basement. Quietly making his way down the rickety staircase alone while the others made a ruckus, Ken found something that made his blood freeze and his heart go into overdrive. The entirety of the basement was covered in old bones and scattered books, as if a ritual had gotten interrupted midway through before the place was hastily sealed shut to be forgotten. Flipping through some of the manuscripts, he found the pages to be illegible as they were written in a foreign language he had no understanding of. After searching through with his hand over his nose, Ken found what he was looking for - an old chest hidden under a drawer's cloth, certainly with something within that would be highly valued. After struggling for a moment to open it, he finally managed to unlock the chest and was caught in the face by a magnitude of dust. Clearing the dust from his eyes, Ken caught sight of a colossal sword that rested upon the old oak. As his hand connected with the hilt of the blade, his vision went black. By the time he had regained consciousness, he found himself miraculously lying on a couch in a room on the second level of the log cabin, his hand still gripping the mysterious weapon. Standing up, he tossed aside his old blade from its sheath without a second thought and latched his newfound artifact into its place. However, as he walked out of the room and overlooked the lower cabin from the second-level railing, what he saw nearly knocked him unconscious from the shock.

Scattered across the log cabin were the nearly unidentifiable corpses of his Pale Moon compatriots, their guts and blood smeared all across the walls and floor. In a panic, Ken darted from the cabin with as much haste as he could muster, trekking further into the woods with his accursed murder weapon, which never left his side as he went into hiding for many years.

The Emberstone Brotherhood

