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Image of Tristhar
Title <the Argent Champion>
Gender Male
Race Human
Level 120
Class Paladin
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Legion Order of the Silver Hand
Former affiliation(s) Argent Crusade
Argent Dawn
This user has taken a break from playing WoW Icon update.png, but plans to continue someday.
Achievement level 60.png This user has reached level 60
(Prior to the level squish)
Ravencrest Monument.jpg This user plays on the European Ravencrest server.
Inv misc book 07.png This user has a strong interest in articles on lore.
Inv misc head dragon black.png This user prefers to PvE.
Chrome Logo.svg This user uses Google Chrome to browse Warcraft Wiki.
[[Special:Editcount/Tristhar|Special:Editcount/Tristhar]] This user employs peasants to count his contributions.

Quest point.png About me

Hello! I'm a Holy Paladin playing on Ravencrest (EU).

After many years lurking around and reading articles for fun, I've decided to start contributing myself.

Quest point.png Personal Project
Zone Storylines

It is not always easy for a new player to get an overview of each of the zone's story, especially when some of those are also continued in instances.

Therefore, I've set to overhaul and wikify the zone storyline pages and the quest section on each individual zone. Some are already done, with paragraphs of the story and quest lists included, however, others are no more than quest lists.