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Race Phase Spider (Beast)
Level Boss
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Collapsed Caverns; Lost Falkirk


Dungeon Journal

It is unclear if phase spiders are a natural phenomenon or a result of some nerubian experiment, but they have, nevertheless, become apex predators throughout Azjol'Nerub. They seem content to stalk the caverns, teleporting out of the shadows on top of prey. This matriarch, however, has made of a home around the front gate of the fallen city. Was this its own decision, or is it the pawn of something greater?


  • Ability creature poison 01.png Mandible Slash Tank Alert — Strikes with her mandibles, dealing a cone of physical damage centered on her current target.
  • Inv inscription pigment nether.png Phase Globule — Spits a glob of phasic venom at a random target, dealing AOE arcane damage, applying arcane damage over time, and spawning a pool of Phase Venom. Also applies Phase-Shifted to target.
    • Inv icon shadowcouncilorb purple.png Phase Venom Healer Alert — Stepping into the pool deals arcane damage every second and applies Phase-Shifted.
    • Ability hunter displacement.png Phase-Shifted — You have lost coherence in this reality, becoming unstuck in space. You gain an extra ability on your action bar, Blink.
      • Spell arcane blink.png Blink Important — Project yourself forward in space, allowing you to dodge some attacks.
  • Spell mage arcaneorb.png Blink Slash — Teleports behind a random player, dealing AOE physical damage in a small radius.
  • Spell yorsahj bloodboil green.png Toxic Nova Important Deadly — Releases a circular wave of poison that slowly increases in radius over time, dealing instant nature damage as well as nature damage over time.

Mythic Changes Mythic Difficulty

  • Inv misc web 02.png Mana-soaked Web Important — When engaged, Lystrella splits the battlefield into 3 areas, separated by strands of burning web. These webs block line of sight, deal significant arcane damage upon contact, and can only be crossed by Blinking.
  • Ability priest voidentropy.png Venom Deluge Important — Lystella blinks to a random area of the battlefield and begins casting. After 6 seconds, she fills the other areas with venomous clouds, dealing significant nature damage every second.
  • Vicious Phasefang
    • Spell arcane arcane01.png Phased-Out — Vicious Phasefangs are out of step with reality, taking 99% reduced damage. This is removed if a player Blinks through them.
    • Sha spell shaman lavaburst nightborne.png Growing Instability Damage Dealer Alert — Arcane power builds within them over time. At 100% energy, the Vicious Phasefang explodes, dealing significant arcane damage to all players.


Lystrella is fought in the gates of Lost Falkirk, barring your progress.

  • The tank should face away from everyone else to protect from Mandible Slash.
  • Stand in Phase Venom pools in order to get Phase-Shifted, allowing you to blink through Toxic Nova.


  • Blink across Mana-Soaked Web in order to move around the battlefield, especially during Venom Deluge.
  • Blink through Vicious Phasefangs in order to remove their Phased-Out, allowing them to take full damage.