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Shadowmoon Caverns concept 2.jpg
Major settlements Blackwater, The Spiral Mooring
Location Azjol-Nerub
PvP status Contested territory
This article is fan fiction.
The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Warcraft lore or history. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and are applied for roleplaying purposes only.

“These caverns are cursed. The sound of the water does strange things to the mind, makes it go foggy. I have maps of this place, many maps. I don’t remember ever making any.”

Chief Cartographer Ironbell

“A nexus of haunted, subterranean waterways, Azjol-Nerub's grasp on this region has been limited. The rivers pull at the mind, washing away thought and memory. Legends speak of aberrations lurking beneath the waters, eager to remove burdens or regrets in exchange for a small sliver of the buyer's consciousness. The fall of Azjol-Nerub may have once starved these psychic parasites into dormancy, but in the kingdom's resurgence, the waters of Lethae begin to churn with an abyssal hunger.”

Lethae is a zone in World of Warcraft: Necropolis, descending from the northern edge of Ahn'resat. From the heights of ancient reservoirs, its waterways cascade through otherworldly caverns down to the Silent Sea at its black heart. In this haunted netherworld, the rivers pull at your mind, dragging away memories, emotions, and secrets like a gentle riptide. To lose yourself in its alien beauty is to lose yourself entirely, one more consciousness drawn into the depths of the Silent Sea, your body an empty husk devoid of qualia.

Azjol-Nerub's official records report that Lethae has always been uninhabited, its dangers merely an expression of its ghostly environment. Yet, every nerubian is familiar with the stories; monsters underneath the waters that devour minds, spectres that speak with the voices of their victims, bargaining for a taste of memory. More than a few nerubians had been lured down to the banks of the Silent Sea, drawn by tales of dark oracles, pact-makers, granters of shadowy wishes. They offered so much, and all it cost was a small piece of one's self.

Disturbingly, there is an upward trend in these stories. The monsters have grown strong and cunning from the memories of their prey, and soon, the parasites' hunger may overtake their hosts.



Recent History




  • Riverwatch
  • Blackwater
  • Memento Mori

Notable Locations

  • Haunted Descent
  • Nameless Capital
  • Forgotten Reservoir
  • Edge of Consciousness
  • Observatory


  • The Spiral Mooring
  • Naraxar Hatchery


  • [Placeholder]:


Herb: ***
