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This article is a player character biography page for Tendael Dawnlight of Moon Guard US created by Tendael.

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Tendael Dawnlight
Faction Horde
Gender Male
Level 90
Race Blood elf
Class Paladin
Talent Spec Retribution
Professions Blacksmithing and Jewelcrafting
Realm Moon Guard
Guild Dominion of the Sun

== Biography ==

Tendael Dawnlight is an experienced commander who has participated in several theaters of war. Once a captain in the service of Kael'thas, Tendael's expertise in military strategy and swordsmanship eventually gained him recognition in the Argent Crusade. Before he could see the fall of Icecrown Citadel, however, he was pressured to return home and help raise a militia to defend Quel'Thalas from foreign and domestic threats while Silvermoon's armies were deployed in overseas.

He founded the Sunguard, an elite Thalassian fighting force dedicated to protecting the homeland. The size and power of his army grew more than he anticipated, however, and soon the Sunguard became a warhost in the ongoing conflict between the Horde and Alliance.

In one risky operation, Tendael and his force assaulted Stormwind, aiming to assassinate a terrorist responsible for the deaths of several sin'dorei in Quel'Thalas. During the operation, Tendael was defeated and was assumed dead. Felthier Truefeather took command of the Sunguard afterwards. Years later, Tendael returned to Quel'Thalas to the surprise of many of his former followers. He formed a new order, the Dominion of the Sun, sworn to protect the future of the sin'dorei.

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