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HordeKell Steamcylinder
Image of Kell Steamcylinder
Gender Male
Race Goblin (Humanoid)
Level 20
Class Rogue
Affiliation(s) Bilgewater Cartel
The Horde
Occupation Unemployed
Location Orgrimmar

Kell is a homeless Goblin living on the streets of Orgrimmar. Once a successful business entrepreneur, he owes his current situation to Trade Prince Gallywix who tricked him out of his life-savings in order to escape Kezan. Kell is now trying to rebuild what he once had, mostly by working the Black Market and, more recently, lending his services to the Horde.

Kell has been trained to use a blade and is very skilled; Kezan can be a dangerous place and a goblin (especially a rich one) needs to defend himself. While working for the Horde, he has learned new skills such as stealth and killing techniques allowing him to infiltrate most places with ease.

The Horde utilizes Kell as a stealth operative and is often sent on reconnaissance, assassination and sometimes demolition missions.