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When Blizz cheerfully Nerfed how slow it takes to get to max levels, they also nerfed how many times you're going to be in dungeons. Contrariwise, if you only ever use the Looking For Dungeon (LFD) tool once you're barely leveled enough to get in dungeons at all, and level that way, the PUGgers you get are full of hurry-up-already Speedy Gonzales types, who are not in the habit of teaching diddly squat.

People skip bosses because only the final boss is worth the JP/sack-o-goodies.

Skipping bosses...

  • means skipping content...
  • means skipping learning from them.

What people have learned from the LFD tool is that instant gratification is almost at hand. Heck, if it's your first time in a dungeon, you don't even have to know where the entrance is or the nearest spirit healer is, so if you EVER die, don't expect to find your way back in. (Don't necessarily expect to get votekicked, but that does happen sometimes.)

If you're a total natural at your character and just don't die, you aren't the average soul who was compelled to post this thread, to spread the news that Dedicated People Who Are Nice Exist In Azeroth Too. You are also not the soul the flameage posted aims at, you probably were perceptive enough to stay out of sparkly wierd things. Even if it's [Efflorescence].

The sad thing is the slow grind toward the idea that "dedicated" = "sine noblesse"/snob. The sadder thing is the tank who showed up on Random and wouldn't even try.